Publicity is good publicity, they say. Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE.EBS) may disagree, after the highly publicized COVID-19 vaccination manufacturing issues. This Motley Fool Live video was recorded June 23rd and features Motley Fool contributors Keith Speights, Brian Orelli, and a viewer asking if Emergent BioSolutions could recover from recent mistakes.Keith Speights: Angel asked, Do you think EBS (Emergent BioSolutions) can rebound from its recent mistakes?Brian Orelli: They can correct the manufacturing issues and have better management to ensure that they follow all FDA regulations and best manufacturing practices.It is unclear how much this will affect their contract manufacturing businesses, but I believe they'll have a harder job convincing drug companies to use their contract production business.This is only a small part of the company's activities. They have many contracts with the U.S. government for manufacturing drugs for bioterrorism and similar things. These contracts will likely remain in effect, I believe. As long as they are comfortable with the fact they are doing everything right, I believe those contracts will remain in place. However, I worry about what happens when they have to compete against other contract producers. They will have a tougher time getting contracts than they did before the vaccine crisis.Speights: Correct. For viewers who are not aware of Emergent BioSolutions' mistakes, please see the following: The company had serious cross-contamination issues, so to speak, with vaccines at its Baltimore, Maryland facility.Johnson and Johnson had to end up scrapping the COVID-19 vaccine. I estimate that Johnson and Johnson sold about 75 million doses. Emergent BioSolutions has been in the news a lot.