Task force for indoctrinationTo Gov. Brad Little, Lieutenant Governor. Janice McGeachin and the conservative members the Idaho state Legislature: You've all been hysterical about the construction of your mob mentality. It was Sharia law before (quelle horreur!). It is now called critical race theory, a fabricated idea of school indoctrination. You should be afraid that your students may discover that systemic racism is present, past and likely to continue in the future.I have a question for you: When does the book-burning begin?Jennifer Pedrali (Meridian)Ted EpperlyRyan Davidson's comments about Dr. Epperly, and the CDH Boards response on the pandemic show that he doesn't fully understand the evidence. Masks and social isolation were used primarily to protect other COVID-19 carriers. It worked, as evidenced by the evidence. Idaho had 2,145 deaths from COVID-19 and 120 deaths per 100,000 people as of June 25. This ranks 41st among 52 countries (including D.C., Puerto Rico) in terms of U.S. deaths per head. This is more than Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Montana, but less than Nevada, Wyoming, and Montana at 158. Six Idaho counties have a rate that is more than twice Ada County's 95. Gem is at 204, and Owyhee is at 256. Malheur County in Oregon is at 206. New Jersey has the highest death rate, 298 per 100,000. Idaho would see 3404 additional deaths and Ada County 1,030 more. It is subjective opinion, not moral failures, to decide if the lives saved were worth the inconveniences and the eventual mental and economic effects, both positive and negative.Linden Boice, BoiseSimilar story imageThe Idaho Way NewsletterEquityIn its rush to please all sides of Idaho's electorate the new equity-based Board of Education has violated the most fundamental rule of definition. This is the most basic rule of definition. In order to define a word, one should never include it in the definition. The board's definition of equity is the new buzzword of the Left. This word has no current meaning. The ultra-left pulled it out of thin air in their goal to destroy equality, which has a clear definition. The board kowtows to the anti-American Left and tries to persuade students to accept a false history of the country and its heritage. This board once again proved its inability lead the most important task of society: education. This group of political appointees must defend real history and not the anti-American Leftist attempt at destroying it.Continue the storyJim C. Harris BoiseEducationOur lieutenant governor chairs the panel. It has been called a solution-in-search of-a problem. This is false. Our racial history is part of our mosaic. Some people may find it uncomfortable. I wish I was taught this in school 60 years ago. I ask the panel for permission to suspend all activities and to inquire at a bookshop what other people are reading. They also promise to learn about our racial history. Caste and The Indigenous Peoples History of the United States are good places to start.While history can be difficult, it is important to remember that we cannot ignore the past. It will continue to shape our future and serve us all well. Disney is not the only source of information about the Alamo. Spoiler alert: Davey Crockett owned slaves. Please educate yourself before you suppress the education of others. How can Idahoans benefit from not knowing large portions of our past history as they move into the global community? What if not now?Mark J. Bussolini (Boise)Dr. EpperlyAda County residents are responsible for making decisions about their health through the Central District Health Department board. As I have learned from 15 years of serving on the CDHD Board, it is a difficult labor of love. Rod Beck and Ryan Davidson have recently decided to remove Dr. Ted Epperly from the board. He is a well-respected primary care physician. Dr. Epperly has been a mentor to hundreds of future family doctors, many of whom now provide care for Idaho families and friends. He brings decades of experience in family medicine and public health expertise to this board.His misinformed claim by Commissioner Davidson that science proves that masks are not needed during the pandemic is a sign of his ignorance. Dr. Epperly saved many lives by highlighting the importance of wearing masks. For his many years of dedication to our county, we owe him our gratitude. Because they prioritize their own interests over our safety and health, I urge residents to vote out commissioners Beck and Davidson.Martin Gabica, BoiseFirst, housingContinue funding the New Path!After more than ten years of research, it was finally decided that Ada County's chronic homelessness could be addressed by housing first. Boise State University conducted a cost-benefit analysis that led to this decision. Studies later on have revealed millions of dollars in cost savings.There are many solutions for homelessness. Each has its own shortcomings. There is no one solution that is perfect and there is no quick fix for everyone. New Path does seem to work.New Path promised savings for the taxpayer. It has delivered. Ada County would like to reap the benefits of New Path, but cut funding for services that make this possible. This is absurd logic!Ada County should exercise rigor in evaluating New Path. However, facts should support any decision that reduces its funding. These facts must relate to the project and not some out-of-the-clouds think tank that doesn't have any information.When county commissioners place a distant ideology above facts and people who need help, they can get big salary increases. The commissioners' sense of entitlement is evident!Gary Hanes, Boise