Pennsylvania Republican senators were briefed about a plan to audit the 2020 election.State Sen. Doug Mastriano conducted Wednesday's private briefing and it is the most clear sign that lawmakers in the Keystone State are serious in fulfilling former President Donald Trump's wishes.Mastriano also sought legal advice from a Philadelphia-based firm regarding the GOP caucus' use of private money to pay consultants and lawyers.Although we can't predict the outcome of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's decision on the issue, we believe that the law doesn't prohibit the Caucus and Committee from accepting or benefiting. Bruce Marks, a lawyer, wrote in a letter which the Associated Press obtained a copy.Mastriano was the Chairman of the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee. He was also one of the Keystone State's Republican legislators who visited Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix. This is the site of the GOP-led Arizona Senate’s audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election. Private donors are contributing to the $150,000 payment made to Senate Republicans.SIDNEY POOWELL SAYS MERRICK GARLAND SHOULD REMOVE HIMSELF ABOUT 2020 ELECTION AUDIT READArizona and Pennsylvania were won by President Joe Biden last election. Post-election audits did not reveal widespread fraud. After dozens of lawsuits alleging election fraud and irregularities were dismissed by courts across the country, the partisan auditor in Maricopa County was a beacon for Trump and his comrades who claimed the contest was stolen.A legislature-backed review of Pennsylvania would be similar to the Maricopa county audit. It would likely focus on particular jurisdictions and use subpoenas for election materials and data. There are two distinct options: legal battles and opposition from Democrats, the minor party in the state Senate.Continue the storyDavid Argall (State Senator) is the head of a committee that supervises elections. He recently stated that he supports a forensic audit.Can I be sure that everything is perfect? Argall stated that no, but that he would like to see a thorough review. We are looking to change some of the election legislation. It is also why I believe it would be a good idea to do an audit and ask, "How did that go?"CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION FROM THE WASHINGTON XAMINERCamera Bartolotta (a Republican senator) also tuned in to Mastriano's presentation and said that there was a lot of interest in an audit in Pennsylvania.I don't know all the details. I don't know who will pay for the audit. Bartolotta stated that it is impossible to estimate the cost. There are millions of Pennsylvanians with questions and concerns. I also know there is a lack trust.Washington Examiner VideosTags: News, Pennsylvania 2020 Elections FraudOriginal Author: Daniel ChaitinOriginal Location: Pennsylvania Republican Senators briefed about 2020 Election Audit Plan