We are glad to welcome you to the Insider Tech Weekly Newsletter. Here we discuss the most important tech news, including:Subscribe to the 10 Things In Tech newsletter for the most recent tech news and developments. Loading something is currently loading. Click Sign up to receive marketing emails and other offers from Insider.Happy Fourth of July! We're celebrating the holiday weekend with a slightly different newsletter. This week, we've gathered some of our favorite long reads over the past month. You can now relax and read, no matter where you are, whether you're on the beach, at the mountains, or simply plotting on your lawn with your in-laws.You can also share your favorite stories with your family and friends to increase your credibility as a tech expert with the best links.Two Bills, one taleChesnot/Getty Images, Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images. Hou Yu/China News Service/VCG via Getty Images. Samantha Lee/InsiderBill Gates, a quirky, but friendly billionaire philanthropist and one half the perfect couple, has had a clean reputation for years.Some of this reputation started to crumble earlier in the year after news of the couple's separation. Insider examines the other side to Bill Gates, the side that has been meticulously eluded over the years by an army PR handlers.You can read the entire story hereA broken internet-connected pet feeder should be a warning sign we all need to take seriouslyCrystal Cox/InsiderWhat happens if the startup that connects your pet feeder to the internet goes down?Becky Peterson of Insider learned the hard lesson when Dewey, her cat, rebelled against the device's decision not to give him his morning kibble.Becky was able to calm the temperamental feline and decided to investigate. She discovered that there is a problem with the multitude of "connected devices" we use to manage our lives, homes, and pets.You can read the entire story hereThe Linux aging crisis, and Linus Torvalds' re-educationLinus Torvalds Amanda Lucier/For The Washington Post via Getty ImagesLinus Torvalds had just received his internet and power back from Portland, Oregon when I contacted him via email. I asked Linus Torvalds if he was available to do a video interview. He replied that he absolutely hated video chats of any kind, and that face-to-face wasn't an option these days.Instead, I suggested a telephone interview. "Heh, no. My abhorrence also covers phone calls. Phones are a horrible thing. Other than quick email devices.It would be necessary to communicate by email. There was so much to discuss with the most powerful and famously irrepressible programmer in the world.You can read the entire story hereThe "Jason Show", a rocking venture capital show, explains how it worksDuffy-Marie Arnoult/WireImage, Samantha Lee/InsiderJason Calacanis is a mix of bravado, showmanship and a variety of media megaphones. He has created a one-man brand that celebrates the glory of startups with infomercial-like enthusiasm and casts him in the role of the skilled coach, talent agent and promoter to help them achieve success.Insider interviewed more than 50 people who were close to Calacanis (including portfolio-company founders and alumni of accelerators) to find out what it was like for young entrepreneurs who are following his call to make a difference in the world.You can read the entire story hereDon't miss these stories.Amazon discussed the possibility of forming a "Rebel Alliance" with companies like Slack or Dropbox in order to be competitive with MicrosoftSoftBank VCs have moved to Miami to manage a $100 million fund, as the tech scene in Miami is'real.I am a UX designer and make more than $300,000. A year, I work 3 jobs.My mistake was selling my stock too soon after leaving PayPal. I missed the chance to become a millionaire as a PayPal employee early onHow Black tech is using business models that helped hip-hop to become a huge cultural and business successOkay, this is it for this week. Thank you for reading. If this newsletter appeals to you, please tell your colleagues and friends that they can sign up right here.Alexei