Critical race theory raises a fundamental question about the nation: education.Education is more than just teaching children how to read and write. Education is more than teaching children how to read and write. It's about transmitting values, a worldview that will influence how our youth think and live.According to the Department of Education in 2020, 56.4 millions children were enrolled in K-12 education. 50.7 million of these children were enrolled in public schools and 5.7 millions in private schools.The government has a significant role to play in the education and training of our children.The Department of Education requires that every educational institution receiving federal funds for a fiscal period must offer a program on the U.S. Constitution to its students.Pew Research conducted a poll in October about Donald Trump's supporters. 77% of Joe Biden supporters also said that they disagree with the opposition regarding politics.What can public schools receive federal funding to teach about the purpose and nature of the Constitution or our nation's history if half the country disagrees?Morning Consult/Politico recently conducted a survey and found that 78% of Republicans and 7% of Democrats viewed critical race theory negatively.It was voted against by 36% of voters and 32% of those who voted for it.This is not about differences of opinion on enacting a new national holiday or about specific government spending programs.These are fundamentally different worldviews regarding our national history, culture, and society.One view is that our nation is rooted and defined by racism, oppression, and other forms of injustice. The other view is that the nation's founding was a historic moment in human history. It marked the beginning of a society defined by human liberty, justice and equality before law.Is it possible to have schools that mix oil and water? I don't think so.However, critical race theory is already a part of many school curriculums.Christopher Rufo of the Manhattan Institutes writes in The Wall Street Journal that Critical race theory-inspired lessons often devolved to race-based struggle sessions. Public schools force children to rank themselves according a racial hierarchy. They also subject white teachers to antiracist therapy, and encourage white traitor parents. "This is causing a backlash. This legislation has been passed in 24 states and is currently being implemented in six more. It blocks critical race theory instructionindoctrination in public schools.Americans aren't just divided over understanding the history of their nation. Our values about life are deeply divided.A Gallup poll has revealed that more Americans identify themselves as social liberals and less as social conservatives, according to a new Gallup poll.Three quarters of the population identify themselves as social liberals. The other 30% are social conservatives.These are deep differences in attitudes about sex, marriage and family, as well as abortion.According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 30 states and District of Columbia require that their public schools offer sex education.What are they actually teaching?There is only one way to find out.Can we all agree that freedom is the foundation of our nation? We can all agree that freedom is the foundation of our nation. Then it's time to allow parents to choose where their children will learn. Let parents choose what their children learn and let them choose the school that best reflects their worldview. Let parents be responsible for their children's future.It is the only way.COPYRIGHT 2021. CREATORS.COMThe Daily Signal offers a wide range of perspectives. This article is not meant to represent the views of The Heritage Foundation.Do you have a comment about this article? Send us an email at [email protected] with your comments. We may publish them in our We Hear You section. Include the URL of the article or the headline, along with your name and the town/state.