Do you feel safer if you have a gun?Brandon Koch and Robert Nash thought so. However, the state of New York refused them gun permits because they didn't have a special reason.Why was it necessary to prove this need? More than ten years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that all Americans are entitled to keep and bear firearms regardless of where they reside.Alan Gottlieb, of the Second Amendment Foundation, tells me that many other courts have reacted negatively to that Supreme Court ruling. He is excited to hear that the Supreme Court will soon rule in Nash and Koch's case over New Yorks law.I can understand the frustration of Koch and Nash. I tried once to obtain a New York carry permit.First, I had 60 pages of instructions on irrelevant items like metal knuckle knives or kung fu stars. Then, I had to fill out a 17-page form and get it notarized. Finally, I had to go to police headquarters.They took my fingerprints and demanded explanations why I should have a gun. Then they charged me $430.They did not contact me for half an year. They then wrote me to inform me that my application had been denied.I called to inquire if they could appeal. I was told I could appeal if I could show a special reason to own a gun. After years of being confronted by crooks on television, I have realized that I do have a special need to self-protect. I made threats to my life to the police.The New York City permit office said that it was not good enough. They refused to accept me again.My mistake wasn't bribing the police. Later, it was discovered that the permit officers in the permit section were giving permits to people for money.These scams thrive when politicians place too many restrictions on freedom. People in California were able to get gun permits by donating to sheriffs campaigns.Gottlieb is thrilled about the new Supreme Court case. Court watchers predict that his side will win, particularly since there are more originalist judges on court.This means that almost all Americans will soon be legally allowed to carry guns.Some people believe that it will be horrible.Professor Lisa Moore, University of Texas TV host, says that women are less secure. Everyone, LGBT people and students of color, is more at risk than anyone else.Nevertheless, 58% of gun owners are black and 40% are women.Gottlieb says that a lot of women have bought firearms to help them feel safer. A person can use a firearm to defend themselves eight hundred thousand times per year. The police will usually arrive at your location after the crime has been resolved if you call 911.Most states have liberalized their gun laws over the past decade. More states allow concealed carry. Gun control advocates predicted an increase in shootings.It was the opposite. Violent crime fell as concealed carry became legal. It is especially telling that crime fell in every state immediately after the law was amended.Gottlieb claims that this is because an armed society is polite.I was raised in liberal schools and had worked in liberal newsrooms as a reporter. This taught me that more guns equals more violence. Even though I had the opportunity to interview violent criminals in prison, and heard many of them say that they were most afraid of the police but the possibility that the person being robbed might have a gun, I believed that more guns equals more crime.It was only after I began researching gun crime and studying data that it became clear that many of my anti-gun beliefs were incorrect.There is less crime when there are more guns.JFS PRODUCTIONS INC. COPYRIGHT 2021The Daily Signal offers a wide range of perspectives. This article is not meant to represent the views of The Heritage Foundation.Do you have a comment about this article? Send us an email at [email protected] with your comments. We may publish them in our We Hear You section. Include the URL of the article or the headline, along with your name and the town/state.