Antifa's ongoing campaign to be America's most hated group has led to a shift in Antifa's behavior from smashing windows and beating people, to engage in cancel culture.Winston Marshall, a former Mumford & Sons banjo player and guitarist, was this weeks' victim. He was praised by journalist Andy Ngo for Unmasked, Inside Antifas Radical Plan To Destroy Democracy.Thank you @MrAndyNgo for your congratulations, Marshall wrote in an unpublished tweet from March. Finally, I had time to read your important book. You are a strong man.Marshall was confronted with a torrent of vitriolic, threatening posts directed at him and his bandmates. He felt that he could not continue to play in the band and had to step away from the public eye.It is important to reiterate that Marshall didn't do anything to provoke the left's acerbic response. Marshall didn't encourage anyone to read the book or denigrate Antifa. The British banjoist placed himself in jeopardy by praising Ngo. The fact that he was only expelled for his support of Ngo is, in some ways, a light sentence.Ngo, who is a Portland, Oregon native and an agitator, is referred to by the mainstream media as a provocateur or agitator. Ngo is viewed as a troll by leftists.Numerous physical attacks were made against Ngo by Antifa agents. Ngo was brutally attacked by Antifa agents during a Patriot Prayer rally in June 2019. He was kicked, punched, and milkshakes were thrown at them. Ngo sustained a severe brain injury.A group of thugs split off from a larger group rioters in May 2021 and chased Ngo to the ground. He was repeatedly hit in the head with a hammer and pushed into the pavement. Ngo was able to escape to a hotel where the mob beat him with a machete and shouted obscenities at his face.Below is a clip that contains graphic language.>>>Watch: The Nines Hotel is surrounded by a hostile groupIt is impossible to overstate the chilling effect this violence has on opposing speech. Although the anti-foulers veto is a well-known practice, it is hard to imagine a more traumatic time in history. The brutal suppression of ideas by Antifas reminds us of a darker time. You don't have to imagine the broken windows or bloodied dissenters; you can see them on television in Portland.Marshall's cancellation is made more horrific by the Antifa angle. It's one thing to call out a company and demand that they fire someone. It's a different matter when the members of the group who threaten to kill your family, your friends and your family repeatedly show that they are willing to physically harm their philosophical opponents.There are two ways to solve this problem.First, Antifa and its ilk must be stopped by the American people. Kay C. James, President of Heritage Foundations, said it best: Don't care about cancel culture. You are giving small-minded people power over you that they don't deserve. These people are likely to try and silence your ideas, fearing that others might disagree with them.>>> The Daily Signal is The Heritage Foundation's news and commentary platform.The second is that those in authority (elect officials, press leaders and business leaders) must hold violent leftists responsible. Ted Wheeler, the Portland Mayor, has encouraged the public to resist violent protesters. It's better late than never, I think.Antifa can't act with impunity if it loses its protected status. Because it is tolerated or worse encouraged, Antifa continues to push the boundaries of its violent behavior. It will lose its strength if it is deprived of its support.Andy Ngo, another journalist, will be hurt every day Antifa is not addressed. This cannot go on for the sake of American values.Or we will lose free speech to a legacy full of black-clad thugs, shattered glass and other crooks.Do you have a comment about this article? Send us an email at [email protected] with your comments. We may publish them in our We Hear You section. Include the URL of the article or the headline, along with your name and the town/state.