Yi Yang / Via BuzzFeedPromising review: "Goo Gone" is one of those products that I had not heard of before this year. However, others have had it for years. My life changed forever when I saw it in the BuzzFeed post. It was amazing to think that I could have lived so many years without it. Many presents were damaged by price stickers and many glass containers that I could not get off were thrown away or recycled.I was so excited to get my hands on the bottle that I had to try it out. A few days ago, I purchased a cool glass milk saucer at the MoMA. However, the label on the product left a sticky residue. (Why do shops allow stickers such as this?! The adhesive was easily removed by applying the Goo Gone and washing the dish with soap and water. Next, I made a vase out of an old container of soy sauce. It can also remove price stickers. The product description states that it will work with candle wax, permanent marker and crayon, glue, gum tape residue, adhesives, paints, tree sap, tar, and other materials. It is also safe for use on hard surfaces such as carpet, upholstery, clothes, glass, laminate, wood, plastic and vinyl. The best part is that it smells fresh and citrusy.I have cleaned out several candle tins and a Trader Joes growler since purchasing Goo Gone. A kimchi container that was marred by sticky labels can be used as pen holders or food containers. Now, I am constantly looking through my apartment to see if there are any items I can Goo Gone (yes I'm using it as an verb) and reuse. This was definitely one of the best household purchases I have ever made. Yi Yang, BuzzFeed StaffAmazon has it for $7.48