In the city, it is not uncommon for at least three to four calls of sudden death to be received each day. It is truly heart-wrenching to receive 53 calls in one day.Jason Franson / AP Kais Bute seeks relief from the scorching temperatures in Edmonton, Alberta on June 30, 2021.A record-breaking heat wave has caused death tolls across the Pacific Northwest as well as Canada. Since Friday, more than 500 heat-related deaths in British Columbia have been reported. According to the Washington State Department of Health, there have been about 20 deaths from scorching temperatures in Washington and 95 in Oregon. This week saw unprecedented heat in a region of North America that is not equipped to deal with extreme heat. Authorities struggle to respond to thousands upon thousands of emergencies, hundreds of deaths and wildfires. This unprecedented event also indicates the danger of climate change causing more extreme weather in the future. Many of those killed or at-risk of heat-related illnesses were children, elderly people, and people who lived alone in areas without air conditioning. Some people, particularly elderly or those with other health issues, may not have the same [bodily] mechanisms. Vasisht Srinivasan, assistant professor of emergency medicine at Washington University, stated that if you don’t have clean water or a place to cool off, it could lead to overheating very quickly. This is a serious problem. It's a serious problem. Jones stated that although it may not be heat that is the problem but rather their underlying condition, it can lead to them feeling worse. The heat can also put extra stress on their bodies, making it more dangerous.Colin Mulvany / AP On June 29, 2021, the temperature was well above 100 degrees. Firefighters in Spokane, Washington check on a man living in Mission Park.Srinivasan stated that the pandemic-era restrictions made it difficult for people to leave their homes to go to crowded cooling centers. The heat wave also forced hospitals to use cooling fans and blankets. Srinivasan stated that hospitals are now at the edge of collapse due to [COVID] and a temporary but real health crisis. When dozens of patients arrive at the hospital with the same problems simultaneously, resources can become very tight quickly. This warm, compressed air was trapped in a high pressure area called a heat dome by meteorologists, which is unusual for the Pacific Northwest. According to Armel Castellan, an Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorologist, the North West Territories recorded their highest temperatures ever, not only in June but throughout the year. He also stated that less than 40% of the homes along the coast have air conditioning. Tania Visintin, Vancouver police spokesperson, confirmed that 53 deaths unexpectedly occurred on Tuesday. The cause of the death was not yet known, and a coroner was called in to investigate. This brings the total to 98 since Friday. The majority of deaths occurred at home, with 70 percent of victims being over 70. Visintin stated that sometimes officers were able to go from one sudden death to the next for their 12-hour shift. He also said that officers had to be able to respond to all non-urgent calls without stopping to dispatch additional officers. In the city, it is not unusual for at least three to four calls about sudden deaths to be received each day. It is quite extraordinary to receive 53 calls in one day. The spokesperson stated that names and descriptions of victims were not available as of Thursday afternoon. Vancouver Police Serget. Steve Addison released a statement. In a statement, Steve Addison said.Ted S. Warren / AP Carlos Ramos gives out water bottles and sack lunches to people in need at a hydration station located in front of the Union Gospel Mission, Seattle, on June 28, 2021.Washington Gov. says we cannot turn up the AC. We must also increase our efforts to combat the root cause of the climate change. Jay Inslee published Tuesday's op-ed in the Seattle Times. The recent discomfort we feel is only the tip of the melting Iceberg. This week's discomfort is only the beginning of a global disaster. According to the Oregon state medical examiner, 95 heat-related deaths had been reported as of Friday. According to the Oregonian, temperatures reached new heights in the state. Portland saw an all-time high temperature of 116 degrees Monday. Jones stated that Portland has been a very warm city for the past 10 year. Over the years, I've noticed that in winter, Portland is seeing more snow and summertime is seeing more heat spells. Jones said that as heat waves become more frequent, the city will need to adjust to meet public health concerns. Jones stated that this will lead to more cooling stations in the city. It will also mean greater access to water. Shade and shelter, or provision or opportunities for people. Talking about hot days is one thing, but talking about hot weeks is another. Sebastian Francisco Perez, 38, was a Guatemalan farm worker who died after being left unresponsive in a field at 104 degrees. According to an Oregon Health and Safety Administration spokesperson, the agency is currently investigating Brother Farm Labor Contractor and Ernst Nursery and Farms in relation to Perez's death. BuzzFeed News did not request comment. According to Rebecca Muessle (Meteorologist at the National Weather Service Forecast Office, Portland), the region has not seen a heat wave like this in more than 40 years. She also said that it is difficult to draw conclusions about future weather patterns from the rareness of the event. Muessle stated that this particular heat wave was particularly severe due to the presence of the high pressure system and easterly winds, which brought additional warm air into the region, as well as the extremely deep layer of heat air that created the heat dome system. Westerly winds, which are usually responsible for bringing in cooler ocean air, were also absent. Muessle stated that there was no respite. It was almost like an easterly wind blowing, Muesle said. BuzzFeed News was informed by a spokesperson for Washington Department of Health that 1,792 hospitals have reported heat-related illnesses to their emergency departments since June 25. Nearly 400 of these led to an admission. Nearly 40% of patients treated for heat-related illness were aged 65 and older. Kristin Tinsley, spokesperson for Seattle Fire Department, told BuzzFeed News that there have been many sleepless nights among our on-duty crews, who work 24-hour shifts and respond to calls with 386 and 544 respectively. The record was broken again on June 28th, when they received 544 responses. Kevin Mundt, from the Seattle Human Services Department, told BuzzFeed News that 11% of the 118 heat-related medical response between June 26th and June 28 were for people who weren't housed. He said that the median age of heat-related medical response was 67. Most involved older adults overheating indoors. Srinivasan stated that not everyone has access to cool places. Many people decided to take a weekend getaway and book a hotel room in Seattle. While that is great for those who can do it, and have the means to do so, not everyone can afford to. The raging wildfires sparked by record-setting drought conditions in the Northwest paint a grimer picture than the one seen in California. More than 1,200 firefighters fought the Lava fire, which had exploded to almost 24,000 acres, on Thursday.Kent Porter / A.P. Carlos Torres Hydrates, even though the ashes are still hot at his mobile home of 22-years. He was searching for paperwork in the aftermath of a fire that erupted in Kelseyville, Northern California.Lytton in British Columbia was nearly completely destroyed by a fast moving wildfire Wednesday. This forced most of the town's 1,000 inhabitants to flee record-breaking heat of 121 degrees.Darryl Dyck / AP Structures that were destroyed by wildfire can be seen in Lytton (British Columbia) on July 1, 2021.