Sony announced plans to close the Vita and PS3 stores in March and eliminate the possibility of purchasing PSP games from either storefront. Sony was forced to reverse its decision after being criticised. The company promised to keep Vita and PS3 stores open but vowed to end PSP commerce functionality by July 2. Sony clarified the situation, although it was not clear what exactly that meant. According to the UK and US support pages (via Kotaku), you will still be able buy new PSP games from the Vita and PS3 stores, but you will no longer be able buy DLC.These are the three updates Sony has made to clarify matters, including the fact that the PSP store will no longer allow searches or the downloading of DLC.What does this all mean? You could still perform searches and make in-game purchase when the PlayStationStore for PlayStationPortable was closed in 2016. You will no longer be allowed to search or make in-game purchase starting July 6th 2021. What about PSP content you already own? You can still download previously purchased PSP content. Access the Download List to download previously purchased PSP content to your PSP. What about PSP content available to purchase from the PS3 or PS Vita shops? PSP content will still be available for purchase on the PS3 or PS Vita stores. You will no longer be allowed to purchase PSP content via the in-game shop.This applies only to digitally sold games, but it preserves some of the PSPs history, back catalog, and back catalogue, since the PSP native storefront closed in 2016.Contrary to Microsoft, where backwards compatibility is a key selling point for its Xbox Series X consoles, it can be a little more difficult than simply popping in an old disk to play older games on Sony's consoles. Playstation 5 plays most Playstation 4 titles. However, if you wish to play older games on the Playstation 5, you will need to subscribe to Playstation Now. This allows you to stream Playstation 3 or Playstation 2 games from the cloud. Or you can buy the full-price remakes of classics.There is still an option to purchase games for the PSP. However, it requires you to shop at two different stores with completely different hardware.