Napier Lopez is an American writer. He is interested in tech, science and photography and he likes to yo yo (show all). Napier Lopez is a New York City-based writer. He is interested in all things tech-related, including science and photography, and enjoys yo-yoing in his spare time. Follow him on TwitterMicrosoft's greatest surprise in years was the announcement of Windows 11. This was not because it is unusual for companies to update their OS but because this company claimed that Windows 10 would be its last version.After all, Windows was supposed to be delivered as a service. Instead of receiving major OS updates every few years that cost a lot, we received a number of small updates each month for free. Windows 10 was supposed be constantly improving. Even though Microsoft had announced the next generation Windows, I wasn't expecting the company to call it Windows 11.Windows 10 was coming out, but I didn't know that. Windows 11 may not be the most groundbreaking update, but it was inevitable. It's a good thing, because updating Windows 10 endlessly was becoming so tedious.Although frequent feature updates for Windows 10 seemed like a good idea at first, it was one of the most frustrating things about the OS. Microsoft promised to release a major update every six months after a few feature updates in Windows 10. These feature updates eventually came with creative names such as the Windows 10 May 2021 update.It was confusing for the average consumer and incredibly soporific to enthusiasts.Windows 10 was always evolving but sometimes it left ordinary users behind. Microsoft would release significant updates without much fanfare, but they would soon be available to all users.My experience was that many Windows 10 users didn't know when an OS update had been installed. This meant that people could become frustrated by unexpected changes, as well as the occasional missteps from Microsoft. It also meant that many people didn't know about the new useful features their computers were receiving twice a year.Windows 11 is a significant visual and practical upgrade, even though its core features aren't that different.Microsofts update strategy was a dull topic for me as a reporter who monitors everything in Windows. Let's just say that Windows 10 December 2021 update doesn't make for as compelling a headline than Windows 11.Compare Windows 10s updates to iOS, Android, and macOS. It is clear that users expect new versions every year. This is clearly indicated by the number of versions and a wider range of new features. People actually get excited about new versions. This is something I'm not sure happened with Windows 10's intermittent releases.This is what makes Windows 11 so exciting. It isn't the most significant update to Microsoft's OS, but it seems more focused on aesthetics than any under-the-hood changes. You might think Windows 11 is just a name. Microsoft could have added these features to Windows 10.However, a name is powerful. 11 sets expectations. It prepares users to the major visual overhaul that they will be receiving early next year. This change Microsoft could not really release as a casual Windows update without confusing regular users (aKA most of them). It helps users to be aware of other important changes and allows them to plan for them.Microsoft can move forward with Windows 11 and continue to improve its OS, without retaining Windows 10's baggage. For the past few days, I have been using the official preview build. I cannot imagine how Microsoft could have made all the changes to Windows 11 as a seasonal update and not confuse users.Microsoft's approach to updates for Windows 11 or beyond is not yet clear. Personally, I would like to see Microsoft move to more annual updates, similar to macOS, or even every two years. This would allow Microsoft to have more time to develop new features and get the word out to customers, while still being able keep up with constantly changing technology.Whatever direction Microsoft chooses, I doubt it'll ever maintain the pretense that Windows 11 will be updated forever. There will not be an end to Windows 11 until Microsoft changes its primary operating system.Did you know that we have a newsletter dedicated to consumer tech? Plugged In is the name of this newsletter and you can sign up right here.