Windows 11 may not only give the start menu a visual makeover, but other elements of Microsoft's desktop operating system will also get a visual overhaul. According to The Verge, Windows 11 will have a Black Screen of Death instead of the blue screen we are used to. This will be the first major update to the Windows interface since Microsoft introduced QR codes in 2016.Windows 11 will soon switch to a BLACK Screen Of Death (BSOD). In preview builds of Windows 11, the Blue BSOD will be replaced https://t.co/ARCRBQBubm pic.twitter.com/KHbWDZT85n Tom Warren, @tomwarren July 2, 2021Microsoft has not enabled the new BSOD for Windows 11 yet. This is due to the OS being in preview. Insider builds have had a Green Screen of Death ever since 2016. Gizmodo points out that there is a way to enable the new BSOD within the current preview build. However, this requires editing your Windows registry. It's definitely not something you want to do.It is not clear why Microsoft changed the Blue Screen of Death's color. The Verge suggests that Microsoft is currently tweaking other parts to improve the user experience. There is no need to learn a new acronym. We will also mention that Microsoft Windows 11 could be released in the fall.