To address the root causes behind the current border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris was appointed by President Biden to lead diplomatic efforts between the United States and Mexico.But, one shouldn't be deceived.It is primarily an attempt to distract from the fact that he cannot take responsibility for the chaos at the border. Ironically, the policies that the administration will push in the region, including advancing their extreme ideologies, will not do much to stop the flow of migrants to our borders and could even lead to more migration.The White House is worried about the political consequences of this crisis. According to a Harvard-Harris Poll, only 36% of voters believe that Biden should maintain its current policies. 55% think that Trump's policies should be kept. They hope to change the narrative by shifting the discussion away from the Biden policies, which they believe are directly responsible for the unprecedented crisis currently facing, to the long-term causes of illegal immigration, which can be found in the region.The administration is highlighting its efforts to address the violence and lack of economic opportunities that encourage many people to flee their homelands. Biden already has pledged $4 billion of new aid to the region. However, it is unrealistic to believe that this will solve these problems.These countries have been in need of financial and technical assistance for decades. However, the living conditions are still not improving. These countries are not going to be changed by any amount of aid. Only their leaders are able to make the hard decisions that will fundamentally change their societies, and theyve been slow in making them.Furthermore, the administration's attempts to address the serious corruption and governance problems in the region is not being taken seriously or come across politically biased. Many in the region were aware that, while the administration criticized El Salvador President Nayib Bukele's firing of five Supreme Court justices who had been blocking his agenda, Biden created a commission to examine expanding the U.S. Supreme Court with liberal judges.Continue the storyThe administration appears to be backing the left's efforts to politicize the criminal justice system in Guatemala. It is not willing to acknowledge and decry the ideological bias of Guatemala's anti-impunity unit at the Office of Attorney General. Vice President Harris didn't help either, as he welcomed at the White House Thelma Adana, the ex-Attorney General of Guatemala, who is being held on corruption charges. She also protected those from the left who are suspected to be involved in criminal activity while aggressively targeting politicians and other individuals who were aligned with the center right.Worse, the administration is using the crisis to advance its progressive agenda. It is pointing out that Central Americans joined migrant wagons to seek better economic opportunities.Interventionist attempts to force ideological programs on the people of the region will only anger the majority of those who live there.The White House is the root cause of the current border crisis. No matter the political fallout from his actions, the president must admit to his mistakes and restore Trump's policies that effectively deter migrants from crossing our border.The immediate problem at the border cannot be solved by intervention in the area right now. Heavy-handed intervention in their internal affairs could incite social unrest and destabilize the region, causing more migration.Alfonso Aguilar, president of Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, was previously chief of U.S. Office of Citizenship during President George W. Bush's administration.