Biden stated that he would answer journalists "negative" questions at a later time, but quickly realized his mistake and changed his character to address your legitimate questions.On Friday, the president seemed eager to project optimism ahead of the holiday weekend. He is hosting a White House July Fourth barbecue for military personnel, first responders and their families. For weeks, the White House had given Independence Day additional symbolic significance as it signified a turning point for the United States in its fight against Covid-19.Before Friday's question and answer session, Biden stated that the economy was growing faster than ever in 40 years. He also said that Covid deaths have fallen by 90 percent and wages are rising faster than ever in 15 years. "People are doing good and going to ball games all across America."(Just a few minutes after his speech, Biden was greeted by members of the World Series-winning Los Angeles Dodgers at The White House to celebrate their 2020 Championship.Biden's goal to administer at least one Covid-19 dose to 70% of adults by July 4, while the worrying Delta variant is increasing in prevalence within the U.S., complicated his boosterism.Biden seemed to be most concerned about Afghanistan, and the possibility that the United States will pull out of the country. Officials from the United States announced that troops had left Bagram Airfield and that the facility was now under the control of the Afghan National Security and Defense Force.Biden stated that we are exactly where we had hoped to be. "There will be some forces left but it is a rational drawdown of our allies. It is not unusual.Plans for the U.S. not to engage in Afghanistan's nearly 20-year-old engagement have disappointed Afghan leaders. There are also concerns that the Taliban might overthrow Afghan security forces months after the U.S. withdraws.Biden, in an April White House address announcing the September date, expressed confidence in Afghanistan's government, while noting the difficulties it faces.Biden stated that we've been in this war for 20 years 20. They have the ability to sustain a government, I believe.The president said that the U.S. would provide assistance, but that the Afghans will have to take care of it.In a press conference held at the end of his June diplomatic trip through Europe, the president vented similar frustrations at a CNN reporter's line of inquiry. Later, he apologized to the reporter.Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, discouraged people to interpret Biden's remarks as dismissive of Afghanistan concerns later in the afternoon."I believe he was trying convey to you all that he was heading into July Fourth weekend. A weekend for his family and a weekend to celebrate America. He was ready to stop answering questions." Psaki stated. It wasn't about Afghanistan.