From shark surveyor to Avenger Screenshot: Shark Beach with Chris HemsworthYou know what July means: it's time for the annual shark programming showdown. There is no longer a one-week exploration of these finned creatures; July (and parts August) could as well be Shark Month.AdvertisementDiscovery+'s Shark Week has hours upon hours worth of shark-related content. However, that will only take you to the middle part of the month. Nat Geo will dedicate six weeks to sharks if you have seen all of Blue Planet and Our Planet, Planet Earth II, Planet Earth II, Earth At Night In Color and Night On Earth. Chris Hemsworth is helping to kick off Sharkfest. He found time in between his many meals, training sessions for Thor: Love And Thunder, to go to Shark Beach. The special will air for an hour on July 5, at 9 p.m. ET on Nat Geo. It follows Hemsworth on his quest for knowledge. Hemsworth is shown in this exclusive clip learning more about shark-safety measures taken in Australia.Hemsworth and his conservationist team are on a mission to only tag and release sharks using their smart drumlines. Regular or un-smart versions simply trap and kill sharks. The tags can be connected to a coastal alarm, which warns swimmers and surfers. Nutopia, the producer of One Strange Rock, is also behind Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth. This show also features Valerie Taylor (an underwater conservationist) who was among the first to be inducted into the diving hall of fame. Jaws was also a joint venture between her and Ron Taylor, her late husband.The Sharkf est is a week-long series that includes 21 hours of enhanced content from National Geographic, Nat Geo WILD and Nat Geo Mundo as well as Disney XD and Disney+.