Photo by Rawpixel.com ( Shutterstock)Anyone who has tried to teach children how to tie their shoes can tell you how frustrating it is. It eventually clicks. It is in those moments, when their failures are turned into successes and their perseverance pays off that they gain some confidence in themselves.AdvertisementWhile some children are naturally confident, others need to build their confidence over time. These are some of the ways parents can instill confidence in their children, and maybe even themselves.When you learn something new, be an example.It is a common saying that you should "fake it until you make it" when teaching your children something new. Child Mind Institute recommends that you acknowledge your anxiety while learning a new skill, but show enthusiasm. Psychology Today suggests that parents should not make negative comments about their children and instead treat them with kindness and grace. If your children make mistakes or struggle, you wouldn't say that to them. Don't do the same thing about yourself.Recognize their resilienceIt took several attempts over many weeks to defeat your favorite video game. But you won the battle because you kept trying.It is important to instill perseverance in children at an early age. You can praise the effort and not the outcome.Encourage children to discover their interestsIf you show your child only what you are interested in, it can be difficult to instill independence. Your son or daughter may want to learn a new skill, such as the flute or another sport. This will allow them to create their identity and build confidence by doing what they love.AdvertisementChild Mind Institute says that when a child's talent develops in a subject they are passionate about, it is a natural boost for their self-esteem.Set goalsA child's dream may seem overwhelming. Child Mind Institute suggests that parents break down tasks into manageable goals. Psychology Today calls this scaffolding. It gives your child a taste for success and a framework they can use all their lives to boost their confidence and achieve their goals.AdvertisementEncourage your childcoach to do the same. This will help your child experience success on their own and show you are confident in their abilities. It also helps parents manage their anxieties and be in control. Children will never learn to do things on their own if you are constantly intervening. Begin by talking to your child about what they want to do. Then, build on that list.Don't let your children failAlthough Billy Joel isn't a psychologist, the Piano Man sang in His Hit Youre Only Human about how you can learn more from your mistakes than from school. However, failure is where we learn and grow. Child Mind Institute suggests that if your child fails to reach their goals, it can help them find a new solution. It might also encourage them to put in more effort in the future which could help them be more resilient as adults.AdvertisementWe are all human. All of us make mistakes. Your child should learn that failure is part of the human experience. It's not something to dwell upon, but something to learn from so you can move on. Set them up for success and teach them how to accept their mistakes. Let them know that you love them regardless of what.