79% more leads with less trafficThis case study shows how we used CRO (conversion rate optimization), a research-driven technique, to increase the lead conversion rate of China Expat Health, which is a lead generation company.TechCrunch will help you find the top growth marketers for startups. We will share your recommendations with everyone by completing this short survey.The mobile site view labeled on the left before is the A version (control), while the labeled on the right after is the optimized version (B version). Split testing, also known as A/B tests, was used to determine whether half the traffic went to each version. The result achieved 95% statistical significance. Here is a list of key changes.Use a headline that has a stronger value propositionThe headline of the control version reads: Health Insurance in China. I'm an expat looking to find health insurance in China. But I don't have any immediate reason to choose you. This information is derived from several elements.It is best to follow the Bauhaus design aesthetic for revenue-generating landing pages. Form follows function; ornament is bad!The winning version conveys an immediate value proposition: Get up to 32% off your Chinese Health Insurance. It is accompanied with evidences such as past customers and relevant testimonials with a rating of 4.5 stars. (By the way, it's better to use a static testimonial than a moving carousel).John Caples, a well-known direct response marketer from the past, taught us that readers only pay attention for one instant. They won't waste their time trying to understand what you are saying. This is double true in today's mobile age where attention spans are shorter that a fruit fly.