It might be as simple as getting older to lower your car insurance premiums.Nearly everyone who drives a car on public roads in the United States must have insurance, unless they are in Virginia or New Hampshire. There are many rates available, and auto insurance can be very expensive for some people.How can you tell if your premiums are too high? Why do auto insurance premiums rise? Let's look at the factors that influence the cost of your auto insurance.*In Virginia, you have the option to pay an annual $500 fee in lieu of purchasing car insurance. This fee allows you to drive an uninsured car at your own risk and does not provide coverage.New Hampshire does not require auto insurance unless you are a high-risk individual, such as if you're:Convicted for driving under the influenceHabitual offendersConvicted for leaving the accident sceneReinstatement of a suspended licenseIn an uninsured accident, at fault1. You are under 25Less experienced drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents.2. 2. You are younger and more masculineYounger men are more likely to be dangerous drivers than young women. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, men are more likely than women to drive longer distances and engage in dangerous behaviors like speeding or driving under the influence. In some states, insurers cannot use gender to price policies.3. You are older and more feminineAs life continues, the table changes. The Consumer Federation of America found out that women aged 40-60 often pay more for car coverage, even if they have a clean driving record. This is a common phenomenon across many insurance companies and states. There is no clear reason for it. There are many auto insurance companies that charge women less than others. This is another reason to shop around before you buy an auto policy.4. You are singleMarried couples have fewer accidents. The day you go on your honeymoon, your rate may drop.5. Tickets are yoursConsider driving like a slow granny if you're cited for moving violations. Your second ticket could result in a rate hike. After a certain period, usually three years, the insurer will ignore the first ticket.Parking tickets are not recorded on your driving record so they won't affect your car insurer.6. 6.You become a more expensive customer as soon as you file a claim against your insurance. Your rates will likely go up temporarily. After an accident, do not be afraid to contact your insurance company. Your rates will not be affected if you aren't found to be at fault.After a period of no claims, you should be eligible to receive a lower rate.7. 7.Credit scores are checked by auto insurers. Any information that could make you appear risky is a red flag. You might be charged more if you have collections, liens or unpaid taxes. In some states, insurers are prohibited from basing your rate upon your credit score.8. 8. You have cancelled your insurance policyYou might have to pay more if you cancel an auto insurance policy that was not yet expired. Long-term customers receive the best rates from insurers.9. In the past, you were uninsuredYou are more at risk if you don't have insurance.10. 10.The deductible is the amount that you must pay out of your pocket before an insurer will cover a claim. You get $1,000 if you have a $500deductible and file a valid claim for $1500 in damage.A higher deductible will reduce your premium.11. It is very expensive to insure your carLuxury and expensive cars are more costly to insure than those with lower costs, because they require higher repair and replacement costs. Premiums are higher for small sports cars than for family sedans. They are more likely to be involved in an accident than larger vehicles. Even if you only buy liability coverage, it's more expensive to insure a large truck than a small hatchback. This is because the truck can cause more damage in an accident.12. You get more coverage than you actually needThink about the coverage options you choose. Full coverage is recommended for cars that are new. A car that has been in an accident or is damaged beyond repair will not be covered. The lender may require that you pay full coverage if you have a car-loan. If you have an older vehicle with a lower price, you might consider dropping collision coverage. This pays for damage to your car if you are at fault.You should also consider the coverage you have. Higher coverage means higher premiums. However, a lower level of coverage can expose you to financial risk. You can rest assured that your coverage is sufficient.13. 13.Certain areas are more costly than others. You might be more likely to pay more if theft or tornadoes are more frequent.14. 14.To find out how your insurance company can lower your premiums, contact them. These are some of the situations that could qualify you for a discount.You are a full-time student and have good gradesOnStar, LoJack, or another vehicle tracking device is installed.Anti-theft devices are installed in your vehicle.Low mileageMultiple vehicles covered by the same policyMultiple policies from the same insurer15. 15.Insurance rates don't vary by industry. Ask for quotes from a few companies.It's not you, it's themIt is a complicated dance to get auto insurance rates. It is important to have a clean record and avoid making claims. In theory, your insurer should offer you discounts if you are eligible. Also, it is important to review your rate and policy regularly. Some insurance companies won't give you the lowest rate you are eligible for. Ask lots of questions and take control to get the best car insurance rate.