AP Photo/Ross D. FranklinThis article will discuss sensitive details about allegations of sexual assault.Rachel Luba, a sports agent, released a statement in support of Trevor Bauer Thursday during a sexual assault investigation that is ongoing in Southern California.Luba sent a tweet from his personal account and called Bauer's allegations false. He also made reference to exculpatory evidence which has yet to be made public.The unnamed woman filed a 67-page ex parte document alleging that Bauer committed graphic sexual violence to her on two occasions. He punched her in the face and vaginal area, and then stuck his fingers down her throat. According to the woman, she was awakened by Bauer entering her anally without her consent during one episode.Police in Pasadena (California) said that they had opened an investigation into Bauer a few weeks ago. According to the woman, the assaults occurred on April 21 and May 15, 2021.Brittany Ghiroli and Katie Strang reviewed the court documents. Brittany Ghiroli, of The Athletic, found medical notes that showed she had "two black eyes", a bloodied swollen lips, significant bruising, and scratching on one side of her head."Jon Fetterolf (Benauer's co-agent) denied any allegations against the pitcher in a separate statement."Mr. Bauer was involved in a brief, consensual relationship with [the woman] that began in April 2021. We have received messages showing that the woman repeatedly asked for 'rough' sexual encounters, including requests to be 'choked-out' and slapped in their faces. The woman drove from San Diego to Mr. Bauer’s Pasadena, Calif. residence, where she dictated what she wanted sexually to him. He did what she asked."Following each one of her two meetings with Mr. Bauer [the woman] spent a night with him and then left the next morning. She continued to text Mr. Bauer with flirtatious and friendly banter, and she even went on her way. The woman shared photographs of herself in the days that followed their final encounter and stated that she had received medical attention for a concussion. Mr. Bauer replied with concern and confusion. The woman was neither angry nor accusatory."Mr. Bauer has not corresponded with [the woman] in more than a month, and they have not seen each others in more than six weeks. The basis she used to file a protection order was nonexistent and fraudulent. She deliberately omits key facts and information and her own communications. Defamatory and baseless allegations that the encounters between the couple were not 100 percent consensual will be denied to the fullest extent permitted by law."Bauer will start on Sunday for the Dodgers when they visit the Washington Nationals. Manager Dave Roberts said that the team was following MLB's guidelines when they discussed the matter with reporters Thursday.