In collaboration with the University of Liverpool, the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's College London, new research has revealed that antibodies can increase pain-sensing neuros activity throughout the body.These results indicate that fibromyalgia can be caused by the immune system and not the brain.Today's study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation reveals that FMS patients have increased pain sensitivity, weakness, movement, and a reduced number of small nerve fibres in their skin.Researchers injected mice with antibodies from FMS patients and noticed that they developed a rapid increase in sensitivity to cold and pressure, and exhibited reduced grip strength and movement. However, mice injected with antibodies from healthy individuals were not affected, which suggests that antibodies in patients may be a contributing factor to the disease.The mice that were injected with fibromyalgia antibody recovered after a few days, once the antibodies had been removed from their bodies. This suggests that treatments which lower antibody levels are likely to prove effective. These therapies are available already and can be used to treat other autoantibodies-related disorders.King's IoPPN's Dr David Andersson stated that the findings of the study have profound implications. The discovery that fibromyalgia can be treated as an autoimmune disorder will change how we see the condition. We have discovered a new field of treatment options that should offer hope for fibromyalgia sufferers."Our limited knowledge of the disease has hampered previous explorations of therapies. This must change. The treatment for FMS focuses on gentle aerobic exercise and drug and psychological therapies to manage pain. However, these have not proven effective in all patients and left a huge clinical need unmet.According to current estimates, FMS affects at least one in forty people worldwide. 80% of these are women. It is characterised by widespread pain and fatigue throughout the body. FMS most often affects people between 25 and 55 years old, but it can also occur in children.Dr Andreas Goebel from the University of Liverpool, who was the principal clinical investigator of the study, stated, "When this study began in the UK, it was expected that some cases of fibromyalgia might be autoimmune. David and his team discovered pain-causing antibodies among each patient. These results give hope that the devastating, invisible symptoms of fibromyalgia can be treated.Camilla Svensson from Karolinska Institute was the primary investigator of the study. She stated, "Antibodies taken from FMS patients living in the UK and Sweden gave similar results which adds tremendous strength to our findings." Next, we will identify the factors that cause symptoms. This will allow us to develop novel treatments for FMS and blood-based diagnostic tests that are currently missing.Versus Arthritis Research Discovery and Innovations Lead Dr Craig Bullock said that "fibromyalgia can affect millions of people in the UK and have a devastating effect on quality of living. It can cause pain throughout the body, fatigue, disrupted sleep, and frequent flare-ups that make symptoms worse.Fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose and treat because the causes are not known. The research suggests that antibodies in human blood can cause symptoms similar to fibromyalgia in mice. This indicates that the antibodies may play a critical role in the condition. Although further research is necessary, this provides hope for millions of people suffering from fibromyalgia.