John Adams, a passionate advocate for independency, wrote that July Fourth should be celebrated with Pomp and Parade.A serious side of July Fourth is when we recall what makes America unique, as outlined in those truly revolutionary words of the Declaration of Independence.These truths are self-evident. We believe that all people are created equal and that their Creator has given them certain unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty and the pursuit for Happiness. These rights are secured by Governments among Men. They derive their just powers from the consent and participation of the governed.The Founding Fathers gave their fortunes and sacred honor to defend liberty and the obvious truth that all men, even kings, were created equal.Abraham Lincoln knew something about America's unique character and praised the 56 Declaration of Independence producers for their coolness and forecast. They were able to introduce into a revolutionary document an abstract truth that is applicable to all men at all times, which is that all men are equal.It's no surprise then that our presidents look to the Declaration of Independence as inspiration in times of war, recession, or even pandemic.Seven months after Pearl Harbor had ended, President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated that July Fourth has never been so dangerous since its creation in Philadelphia on July 4, 1942.Roosevelt stated that the Fourth of July was an inspiration topic for the Army of the American Revolution.He added that it is now.The president stated that the message of God's assurance of liberty was a comfort to the men fighting for freedom.Nearly 10 months after 9/11 terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush spoke in Jackson County, West Virginia. He said that freedom had had a home and freedom had had a defender since independence.Bush quoted an Air Force pilot as saying that he felt a personal connection to September 11th victims when he was asked by Bush. They were all Americans.Bush said that America was the hope of the whole world, as it has ever been. The president stated that America's greatest hope was not in itself, but in the world. The founders humblely sought wisdom and blessing from Divine Providence.Donald Trump hosted a Salute to America event on July 4, 2020 at the White House, right in the middle the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that if you believe strongly in freedom, you should also believe in peace.He said that it is a solid foundation on which all progress can be made.President Obama praised the loyalty of our military personnel who have protected our independence for 244 year.He said that no nation has ever used so much power in history to accomplish so many good things.From New York Harbor on July 4, 1986, President Ronald Reagan recalled that Thomas Jefferson had broken up with John Adams after the 1800 contested election, but had come to terms with the passage of time. This, the president said, was their final gift to us, their lesson in brotherhood.Reagan spoke of America's history, which is something we are proud of, and also our hopes and aspirations for this country's future. These things far outweigh any differences.The president stated that we reaffirm, Jew or Gentile, that we are one nation under God. We are one nation, indivisible, black and white. We are all Americans, Republican and Democrat.Tonight, no matter the trials and labor, the president said that we should all pledge our support to one another and to the cause for human freedom-the cause that has brought light to this land, and given hope to the whole world.Reagan made that promise of unity 35 years back. Does such brotherhood still exist today? Is it possible to believe in E Pluribus Unum, the motto of our founding fathers? Is it possible that we are stuck in a fixed mindset of rich and poor, red and blue and black and white? Is it possible that we could rely on the wisdom of our presidents as well as the patriotism of Declaration of Independence to celebrate July Fourth?We have the answer.Do you have a comment about this article? Send us an email at [email protected] with your comments. We may publish them in our We Hear You section. Include the article's URL or headline, along with your name and the address of your town or state.