00:00Let us know what charges Weisberg, Trump Organization are facing. Grand larceny includes some charges for one child, but they also include grand larcenytaxfraud falsification business records conspiracy to defraud. Let's take a look at how these charges were brought about. The Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance has been investigating Trump's organization for three years. The investigation began when Michael Cohen Trump's ex-lawyer turned out to have given Stormy Daniels hush money after she claimed that Trump had been having an affair. Cohen eventually claimed that Alan Weissberg, chief financial officer at Trump Organization, helped to arrange the hush money. As the investigation grew, district attorney Vance began to investigate other aspects of the Trump organization. He also looked into whether it exaggerated its assets for loans it requested or minimized the value for taxes it paid. This has huge political implications. The president is just starting to hold his new rallies. He could run for president in 2024. There are at least two possible ways that this could impact him. He has not been charged. In the indictment, he is not listed as a defendant. One way is that he would have to be charged in the ongoing investigation. This could make it more difficult for his company. This could help vendors remain business partners. On the political side, we know this Trump jujitsu. He could reverse the trend and excite his base by using what he now calls a political attack.