On Wednesday, June 30, the nation lost a true titan. Donald H. Rumsfeld was a two-time Secretary for Defense and served Presidents Gerald Ford, George W. Bush. He died at his beloved Taos, New Mexico home. Those of us who worked alongside him will forever remember him as "The Boss."Rumsfeld was controversial because he didn't take fools lightly, spoke his mind and cared more about the country than what others thought of him. That makes you loyal friends in Washington, D.C., and not just a few enemies.We will be hearing many talking heads discuss him over the next few days. The majority of people who knew him never met him so it is important to be careful with the popular opinion.For four years, I was Rumsfeld's military assistant. Then for 18 months, I was his staff director. During that time, I was in touch with Rumsfeld almost seven days a week. Based on this experience, I'd like to disprove some common myths that may arise in the wake of his passing.First, during those six years, I have never heard The Boss say anything that was not true. He misspoke on two occasions about topics that were of little consequence. He said, "It was 12", when in fact it was 14. Both incidents were pedestrian, in all honesty.We informed him of the error after both his public mistakes. He directed me immediately to correct the error with all those who had heard it. I informed him in both cases that the task was completed. He then proceeded to question me by name as to who I had told (he knew each one). I had to look at him in the eyes and assure him that every person received the correct information.One might even say that he was obsessed with integrity. It is easy to be loyal to someone who cares so much about his word as a military officer.Next, I can't tell you how many times I have read in the media that Rumsfeld was rude, harsh, and abusive. This is complete nonsense. He was tough. Yes. Did he demand? Yes. Was he expecting a high level of effort and achievement from his subordinates. Yes. In all the time I spent with the secretary, I never witnessed him be abusive or rude. You would know if you did not complete a task or gave a poor performance. He would give you feedback on what was lacking. This was not done to degrade or downplay you. He did it because he expected that you would go out and correct the problem, not just sit in a corner and sucking your thumb. Does that seem unreasonable to those who work around him, the man responsible for managing two wars simultaneously? I don't think so. He would argue that we needed to be right because there were young women and men out on a long string doing difficult and dangerous work and who depended on us to do it right.Rumsfeld was also averse to wasting money. Many high-ranking appointees arrived at his office expecting a pat on the back for some expensive project. But they left chastened and with their ears burning. The Defense Department spends only $1 per person. He used the example of a Pittsburgh pipe fitter to show the working Americans. This was not showmanship. It was not something he spoke about publicly. However, the Pentagon learned that shiny, showy and stupid were no longer acceptable. He used furniture already in the Pentagon to furnish his office and repurposed manila folders (use pencil to write on them!). He was a frugal person and expected us all to use everything the taxpayers provided.Rumsfeld's love for our troops is a side that is rarely acknowledged. He blossomed when he spoke to them. He would listen to all the briefings and then go through his prepared remarks when he visited an installation to get to the part where he could interact directly with troops. He would be full of energy and joy when answering their thoughtful questions. On Sundays, he would also visit the injured at D.C.'s medical centers. He did not take the press. Sometimes we would just go together, other times with our wives. He would visit as many times as they needed, and there was no set time. Every visit I made left me with a list to complete to help them.One time, while visiting the war zone's big field hospital in Baghdad, I had completed all scheduled activities. The head doctor asked me if the Boss could make another stop. A soldier had just been discharged from surgery. Knowing The Boss' intent, I knew I didn't need permission. Rumsfeld was led back to his post-op area by me. Rumsfeld had just undergone eye surgery. He was now fully awake. A bandage was placed around his eyes and his head. A small droplet of blood was running down his cheeks like a tear. During the exchange, the young man told the secretary that he was doing what was right and that the troops understood his mission. He should continue fighting for the liberation of the Iraqi people as well as the protection of American interests. Rumsfeld looked at me as we were leaving and said that he came to encourage them. He spent the whole time encouraging me. Where can we find young people like these?Rumsfeld was approached by Time Magazine to be named their Man of the year in 2003. This is a fact that many people forget. They knew better than to ask. They refused to answer the Boss, so they asked them to name The American Soldier, not one individual. It is an iconic image that honors the rank and file and not the powerful.The bottom line is that while reasonable people may disagree on the policies of the George W. Bush administration, and Rumsfeld specifically, this man, also known as The Bosss, was an honest, strong, charismatic, leader and a true grit. It is impossible to give a complete obituary here as time is limited. I will leave that to others. The man I knew, who led the American military through the attacks of 9/11, and was nicknamed "The American Secretary Of War" for his strength, service, and support to the nation, will be remembered forever.He was the Man in the Arena, to which President Teddy Roosevelt famously referred in 1910 at the Sorbonne. He lived, fought and died with quiet power that his critics could not match.Boss, rest in peace. It was an honor serving alongside you.