Rashad was recently appointed as dean by the university. However, she said that her tweet did not show sensitivity and that the "personal positions of University leaders do not reflect Howard University policies."NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty ImagesPhylicia Rashad, who tweeted support for Bill Cosby's freedom on Wednesday, denounced her words at Howard University, where Rashad was just appointed as fine arts director. She said they were "lacking sensitivity towards survivors and victims of sexual assault." Rashad, who was Clair Huxtable's onscreen spouse on The Cosby Show on Wednesday, tweeted a picture of her former cosplayer shortly after it was revealed that the conviction for rape was being overturned due to a technicality. "FINALLY!!!! Rashad tweeted, "FINALLY!!!! Rashad tweeted, "A miscarriage in justice is corrected!"Finally! An awful wrong is being rectified-a miscarriage in justice is corrected Twitter: @PhyliciaRashadAfter being convicted of raping Andrea Constand back in 2004, Cosby was sentenced in 2018 to a 3-10 year term in prison. He was also registered as a sex offender for life. Over 60 women accused Cosby of sexually assaulting and drugging them over the years, even during his golden career. Constand's rape was not the only case Cosby was facing criminal consequences for. Most of the allegations were too old to be prosecuted. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Constand's conviction on Wednesday. This was not due to any new evidence suggesting Cosby is innocent, but because the court found that he had reached an agreement with a former prosecutor which should have prevented him from being charged. Rashad did not respond to her Wednesday tweet, but he was met with swift backlash. Many people were concerned and angry that Rashad, a serial rapist who has been convicted multiple times, would be serving in such a high-ranking university position considering the high rates of campus sexual assault.What would it make you feel safe on college campuses if your dean posted that tweet? https://t.co/pIv8yEFquO Twitter @RegardingJoshRashad later retracted her tweet, but she did not apologize. Rashad replied in a follow up tweet that "I fully support survivors sexual assault coming forward." "My post was not meant to be insensitive to their truth. Friends and family have shared with me that abuse can leave lasting effects. My deepest wish is for healing. Howard University issued a statement on Twitter Wednesday night discrediting Rashad's statements, but didn't announce any legal action against her.The statement stated that survivors of sexual assault would always be our priority. "While Dean Rashad acknowledged in her follow up tweet that victims must hear and be believed, her initial tweet did not show sensitivity to survivors of sexual assault. The university stated that the policies of Howard University were not reflected in the personal positions of University leaders.Nbc / NBCUniversal via Getty Images Rashad, and Cosby as Clair Huxtable and Cliff Huxtable on The Cosby Show