A Director's Cut, a little more than a year after Ghost of Tsushima, the samurai adventure game, will be available on PS4/PS5. There will be an additional island for you to explore, as well as all the updates Sucker Punch Productions has made to the original game.Jin will visit Iki Island, which is near Tsushima to investigate rumors about Mongols. According to a PlayStation blog post, Jin will need to confront some trauma issues from his past to overcome "deeply personal stakes". You will be able to discover a new story and meet new people. You can also find new abilities, mini-games, enemies, armor, and pets for your pet animals.Iki looks like an important expansion that could keep fans busy until the movie comes out. Iki can be unlocked by new players once they reach Act 2 of Ghost of Tsushima's Toyotama region.There will be a few special features in the PS5 version. Cutscenes now allow for lip sync to Japanese voiceovers. This feature was added by the developers using the PS5's real time rendering capability for cinematics. The DualSense controller will now have haptic feedback and adaptive trigger capability. There will also be 3D audio, faster loading times, resolutions up to 4K, and a target framerate at 60 frames per second.A patch with useful features is in the works for all players. Soon, a target lock-on option will be available, as well as updates to photo mode, controller remapping, and a way for combatants to conceal their quiver. The Ghost of Tsushima Legends co-op experience is also getting updates, including a new mode.Productions Sucker PunchYou won't be able to upgrade to Director's Cut for free on either of the consoles. For $20, current Ghost of Tsushima users can upgrade to the PS4 Director’s Cut. For $10 more, you can upgrade to the PS5 version. Alternativly, you can upgrade directly from the original game to a PS5 Director's Cut for $30. It's a relief.Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is available for purchase by newcomers at $60 on PlayStation4 and $70 on PlayStation5. If you plan to play the game soon, there will be physical editions. However, it is best to order from the PlayStation Store. Pre-ordering the next edition of the game at the same price will allow you to download the original PS4 game immediately. The current game is $60. After August arrives, you will be able transfer your progress to Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut.