TPConnects, a technology company, has launched NDCMarketplace.com. This online marketplace is subscription-based and connects travel sellers and airlines. According to the company, the marketplace allows agents to keep their GDS incentives and make sales of NDC-based products while also avoiding any GDS surcharges by airlines.NDCMarketplace.com is a monthly subscription for travel agents. The price of a subscription varies based on how many transactions they have.Related: Travelport-connected agencies don't have to pay a GDS surchargeRelated: Delta, Sabre Deal: GDS is charged on the booking's value and not a flat feeTPConnects claims that agents can use their GDS credentials to access the site. This allows them to continue earning incentives. The company also stated that agents can avoid GDS surcharges such as those charged by Emirates, Lufthansa Group, and British Airways.NDCMarkeplace.com also features content from low-cost carriersNDCMarketplace.com agents have the ability create subagents and grant permissions to staff members. They can also add markups.Airlines can also create tailored, dynamic offers for travelers by participating in the marketplace.According to NDCMarketplace.com, there are dozens of content providers for the company.Rajendran Vellapalath, CEO of TPConnects, stated that one of the greatest obstacles to NDC adoption for travel agencies has been the proliferation and use of NDC portals by airlines.Vellapalath stated that agents have to toggle between screens in order to find and compare the best offers. They may also be subject to additional surcharges or pay a distribution fee for NDC bookings made through traditional channels. "NDCMarketplace.com brings together content from the traditional channels as well as LCC and NDC channels on one screen. Routehappy rich content is also available, which allows travel agents to reap all the benefits.NDCMarketplace.com has been certified by IATA as a NDC Level 4 Aggregator.