Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domainSixty years after Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human to orbit Earth's surface, Moscow won a crucial win in the Cold War. Russia now faces Washington in a space race.This time, however, the stakes seem a little higher.Yulia Peresild, 36, is one of Russia's most famous actresses. She will be flying to the International Space Station with Klim Shipenko (38).Their mission? Film the first film from orbit before the Americans.If everything goes according to plan, the Russians will be able to defeat Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise, and Hollywood director Doug Liman. They were the first to announce their plans together with NASA, Space X, and billionaire Elon Musk's Space X.Peresild stated that he wanted to be "not only the best but also the first," AFP reported. The clock is ticking towards the October 5 blast-off from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome.Callthe Russian project's working title was announced in September 2013, four months after the Hollywood project.The film's grand ambitions aside, very little information is available about it.Who is Doctor Who?Russian media outlets have revealed the plot of the mission, which was kept secret by the crew and Russia’s space agency. It involves a doctor who is sent to the ISS urgently to save a cosmonaut.The Call has not disclosed its budget. It's not secret that space travel is expensive. NASA usually spends tens of thousands of dollars for one seat on a Soyuz rocket.In a nod to the film's aesthetic direction Konstantin Ernst (60-year-old chief of the Kremlin-friendly Channel One television channel network) is one big name on this credit list.Ernst has managed some of Russia's most significant moments, including President Vladimir Putin's career and military parades.Dmitry Rogozin (the outspoken head Russia's Roscosmos Space Agency) will be featured in the credits role in theatres across the country.He isn't known for his fame in the film industry but for leading an agency that was plagued with stagnation and corruption."Propaganda tool"Rogozin, who is 57 years old, sees the film as a way of projecting stature, since Roscosmos has lost ground in technological progress to US competitors.According to a Moscow tabloid interview, it is part of a geopolitical war his country is involved in with Washington.He said that cinema had been long transformed into a powerful propaganda tool in June to the popular Komsomolskaya Pravda.His assessment of film's role comes at a moment when Washington and Moscow have become increasingly distant.Rogozin stated in an interview that Cruise had approached Roscosmos initially in 2020 to collaborate on the film.He said that unnamed "political" forces had pressured them into giving up on the idea to work with the Russians.He explained to the paper, "I realized after this that space was big politics." "It was then that the idea for the film appeared."AFP did not reach Cruise representatives for comment."Not a superman"Peresild is currently undergoing intensive training at Star City's Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre to prepare for the 21st century space race.AFP spoke with her about the fact that she had previously managed the centrifuge, and she would be training in survival in hostile environments in preparation for her return to Earth on October 17 in a Soyuz capsule.She is still focused on the task at-hand.The tiny film set on the ISS will present a challenge for any director. He will also be responsible for lighting, sound, and make-up.She says, "We will have space to film what is impossible to film on Earth."Peresild stated that she had never dreamed about going to space, unlike other Soviet children who were raised with Gagarin’s achievements.She admitted to feeling "afraid" after being selected from a pool containing 3,000 applicants.She told AFP, "I'm not a superhuman."She stated that she was inspired by Galchonok's young people with disabilities."To them, picking up the spoon is like going into space."They must believe in the impossible.Russia is a great place to send a film crew and a Japanese billionaire into space.2021 AFP