[ News ] Charlotte SeetLion Air Group and Sabre Corporation Announce Partnership RenewalIn 2016, Lion Air, Southeast Asia's largest low-cost carrier, selected Sabre Corporation as its end-to-end operator and crew management platform. This would enable the airline to maximize daily flight operations, while also reducing costs, in the context of regional growth. Sabre Corporation provided its Sabre AirCentre Operations and Crew Platform. This platform included advanced technology like aircraft tracking and a next generation crew management platform. These innovations also include pairing and rostering solutions, which simplify the crew planning process, increase crew productivity, and improve crew productivity. Kamal Qatato (Vice President at Sabre) stated that these advances included pairing and rostering solutions that simplify the crew planning processes and improve crew productivity.Sabre Corporation is a Texas-based company that provides fulfilment, retailing and distribution solutions to its customers. We are delighted to confirm and strengthen our long-standing partnership with the Lion Air Group in an arrangement which is testament the groups confidence to Sabre to deliver advanced solutions to enable its airlines capture market recovery, to consolidate its position in the Indonesian market and drive future global growth. Rakesh Narayanan (Sabres Vice President for Travel Solutions Airline Sales), said that the agreement was a testament to Sabres trust in Sabre to deliver the advanced solution needed to enable its carriers to capture the Indonesian markets, to secure their leading position and to continue to grow, and to expand the group's. Datuk Chandran Muthy, Group Strategist at the Lion Air Group, stated that the Lion Air Group is one the most important entities in the global aviation industry with a rapid expansion over the past 20 years. Beneficial PartnersSabre and Lion Air Group have a long-standing and valued relationship. Sabre uses Sabres SabreSonic Customer Service and the carrier has a suite of crew management and operations solutions that help to optimize daily functions, cut costs, and plan strategically throughout the Lion Air Group.The airline has been using Sabres GDS platform to distribute its inventory globally.Lion Air Group can now look forward to potentially adding an additional set of Sabre omnichannel tools to its technological toolkit.Additional revenue optimization solutions for ancillary revenues will allow you to market ancillary products across all channels, including different seat prices. They also facilitate the payment and delivery ancillary services within the airline group. These services will allow Lion Air Group to offer add-ons at check in, and increase revenue. Sabre will offer Advance Shopping capabilities to provide more precise shopping results, and allow self-service features to complement the Automated Exchange or Refund capabilities. Narayanan stated that it was crucial to have the right technology in place to allow an ancillary-services plan to maximize every seat and meet the changing needs of all travelers.New Age of Technology. The Covid-19 pandemic continues. New rules and regulations have been introduced. This has changed how customer service experiences are conducted. Face-to-face interactions have been limited to ensure everyone's safety.The Lion Air Group will use Sabres Digital Workspace in order to ensure its passengers have a great experience. It will be able to process passenger requests faster, and even offer personalized customer service remotely from its tablet version. To power ecommerce, the group will also use Sabre Digital Connect which is a micro-services-enabled API Hub.