Ransomware attacks in recent years have shown that the United States is much more vulnerable than we thought. Hackers gained access to an outdated virtual private network (VPN), which was not intended for use in the May attack on Colonial Pipeline. The seemingly simple letdown caused gasoline delivery to the East Coast to be halted for almost a week. This caused a spike in fuel prices and caused a gasoline shortage not seen since 1973, when the embargo on oil from the Arab world was lifted. Colonial Pipeline's CEO stated that the ransomware attack had been caused by an oversight. This signaled that it was possible to prevent this from happening. When the U.S. faces a national security emergency against a hostile enemy who hides in plain view, but is mostly anonymous, there is no room for error.Ransomware attacks against JBS, the largest global meat producer, have shown that weak infrastructure hacks can seriously impact supply chains and negatively affect millions of Americans' ability to retrieve and use basic necessities. Ransomware attacks are likely to continue.Organizations, public and private, are becoming more sophisticated and need to be prepared for hackers to access their data and stay one step ahead.Now is the right time to define your strategy for recruiting cybersecurity talent in your company. These are the three most important things to keep in mind when you build a cybersecurity team.Security EngineerSecurity engineers are the technical specialists who maintain, repair, and build an organization's network and systems.They will be focusing on cybersecurity and preventing cybercrime-related leaks and breaches by troubleshooting security systems. To ensure that teams are protected, they will create security policies and protocols that align with current cybersecurity trends.Within the company, they are responsible for protecting their networks.Security engineers are crucial in making sure that your network is running smoothly, optimized and protected against cyber threats and attacks. This could include installing new security measures, hardware, and software. It may also involve investigating past hacks and breaches to determine how you can prevent them in the future.Security AnalystThe security analysts monitor the output of the engine in order to spot trouble spots. This analogy is similar to the car analogy. A security analyst can spot potential weaknesses in the network's output, just as a mechanic can spot a worn timing belt. If left unchecked this can lead to vulnerabilities.Security analysts' primary goal is to identify threats, malware, and weaknesses within a network's security systems in order to prevent future breaches. Once a weakness has been identified, the analyst works with security engineers to find or implement a fix.Security analysts need to ensure that all software is protected from hacking or breaches in order to prevent them from happening again. Security analysts may also create security plans to ensure data security.Scientists in DetectionBasically, detection scientists are security specialists with data science backgrounds. Analyzing the data generated by an organization's network and applications (car's engine) is a daunting task.The priority of a detection scientist is to analyze the data and determine which datasets are relevant to the organization or make it vulnerable to leaks or hacks. Once they have been identified, they can implement new algorithms and applications to protect all systems and prevent cyber threats.Every day, ransomware attacks and data breach are commonplace around the globe. Cybercriminals aren't slowing down anytime soon. Their operations will continue to grow and become more complex. Businesses need to be ready.