On Thursday, European stocks rose and started the third quarter with strong gains.Stoxx Europe 600 SXXP rose 0.9% to +0.53% in the second quarter, and 5% for the whole year.U.S. stock options ES00, +0.18%, NQ00 and -0.01% were also higher following a 14% jump for the S&P500 SPX, +0.13%. Key economic data will be released on Thursday, including a manufacturing report and nonfarm payrolls reports.According to Nadge Dufoss (global head of multiasset at Candriam), the first half of 2021 was a positive period for risky assets. This is due to the successful vaccine rollout as well as the reopening major economies. Dufoss stated that Candriam is tilting its portfolio towards non-U.S. equity, with a balanced approach to styles. He also said that a stronger European purchasing manager index vs. the U.S. would support the region's rotation.The final eurozone manufacturing PMI was 63.4 in June, an increase of 63.1 in May and a new record.Reports on earnings were beginning to leak in, showing how companies have benefited economically from the reopening of the economy.Sodexo SW (+2.57% ) - Catering company saw a 5% increase in revenue after increasing its fiscal year sales and guidance. In its fiscal third quarter, revenue jumped 19% organically. Rival Compass Group CPG (+3.45%) rose 4%Associated British Foods ABF +4.92% shares rose 4% as the conglomerate announced that revenue for the June 19-ending quarter grew 47% due to the reopening Primark clothing stores. Gap GPS (+3.28%) is one rival. It announced that it will close all its U.K stores.