Last update on. From the section OlympicsSemenya cannot compete in events between 400m - one mile.Caster Semenya failed to qualify for the Olympic qualifying time of the 5,000 m.The South African finished fourth in Belgium's 15:50.12 race, but she didn't make the 15:10.00 qualifying mark.Semenya wouldn't have been allowed to compete at Tokyo, even if she made it in time. The deadline for submissions was 29 June.Sifiso Cele, spokesperson for Athletics South Africa, stated that they double checked with World Athletics regarding the deadline.Caster would not have received any special grace.Semenya ran previously at 15:52.28, 15:32.15 and 15:57.12 in April.The 30-year-old was awarded gold in 800m at the 2012 Olympics and 2016 Olympics. He is also a three-time world champion.She is prohibited from competing in events between 400m & 1 mile, as she has not been prescribed testosterone-reducing drugs. This rule was introduced by World Athletics in 2019.Semenya refuses to use testosterone-reducing drugs. She argues that it could harm her health, and that the ruling denies other athletes with different sexual development (DSD), the right to rely solely on their natural athletic abilities.