Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domainResearchers have created a wearable sensor that can measure tissue oxygenation via skin by combining machine learning and an oxygen-sensing movie. This device could be used for monitoring oxygen levels in a person on a regular basis, which could have applications in medicine or sports.It is simple to use and can communicate wirelessly with other wireless devices, making it ideal for remote monitoring of oxygen levels in healthcare settings.Conor Evans, principal investigator of the project, stated that the device was intended to be used in any situation where blood flow is compromised and oxygen is not available to the limbs or tissues. The technology is especially useful in medical situations, where traditional blood oxygen saturation tools are not sufficient to provide accurate information. This wearable wireless oxygen device can be used for traumatic injuries, such as battlefield injuries and car accidents, and also post-surgical monitoring and wound treatment.Juan Pedro Cascales and Conor L. Evans, both from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, will present their research at the virtual OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress and Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress which will be held 19-23 Jul.It is worn as a wristwatch at the forearm. The device consists of a 3D printed casing, small sensor heads and an adhesive oxygen sensing layer. The electronic components of the device process the data and send it via Bluetooth or Wi Fi.The sensor detects the intensity and phosphorescence duration of acrylic oxygen sensing films. The sensor head contains two LEDs that excite the oxygen sensing material with ultraviolet light. In response, a photodiode measures the phase of the light emitted from the oxygen sensing material. The oxygen level of the tissue beneath the film can be measured by comparing the phase of the light emitted from the LEDs to the phase of light produced by the oxygen sensing films.Juan Pedro Cascales is the lead author of the project. He said that "this is the first truly wearable, noninvasive transcutaneous oxygen monitor." The device's simplicity, accuracy and small size make it portable and can be used by nurses, doctors, paramedics and patients at home.Researchers used a mixture of nitrogen and air to calibrate the sensor. Then, they adjusted the calibrations until the phases were identical to commercial sensors.Researchers tested the device by attaching the device to the front limbs of a Yorkshire Pig. The sensor detected oxygen drop when a tourniquet was placed over the elbow joint. This is due to a decrease in blood flow. The sensor can be used outside of the laboratory because the measurements are consistent with commercial reference sensors and do not change due to temperature, humidity, or other environmental factors.To train the system to accurately measure oxygen levels in different environments, the team used machine learning. Researchers were able to account for photobleaching which is the tendency of light-excited materials gradually losing their ability to emit light. Devices that measure light intensity often suffer from photobleaching.Evans said that they are currently conducting first-in-human clinical tests and will soon share their results. Cascales added that the device is being developed in smaller and more ergonomic versions. It can also communicate with any smartwatch or smartphone, tablet, computer, or tablet.The Department of Defense funded the innovative project through the Military Medical Photonics Program and the Transforming Technologies for the Warfighter Program.Learn more Tiny wireless sensor detects oxygen deep in the body