Biden and his allies propagate the notion that Americans who support border security have racist, xenophobic or uncompassionate views. After six months of living with the U.S.–Mexico border crisis for six months, border residents have grown frustrated and angry at the flagrant disregard the administration has shown not only for their security and well-being but also for illegal immigrants for which it claims to have compassion.Stephanie Hubbell, a resident of Arizona, told me that the Biden administration is offering false hope. [President Joe] Biden invited illegal immigrants to Gila Bend, where they are now sleeping on the streets. They transport them from Phoenix and drop them off by the busloads. They don't get what they expect and they aren't getting what the Biden administration promised.Hubbell found out that illegal immigrants were breaking into her clothing shop in Sonoita in Arizona on April 3. They had stolen money, left behind merchandise and taken Hubbell's clothes.Biden had recently released the traffickers from a nearby prison and allowed them to enter the community, a new regularity since his election.Hubbell said that this was a difficult hit for a small business like mine.>>> WATCH: Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels gives a firsthand account on the illegal immigration surge.Hubbell's family has lived close to the Arizona border for 17+ years. She said she had never witnessed a border crisis as severe as the one caused by Bidenthe high degree of criminality, the lack of law enforcement and the large numbers of illegal immigrants flooding into her community without food or places to go.Hubbell said that he tried to tell people that the Border Patrol stations were full. They are purchasing hotel rooms for them with our tax dollars.Hubbell says that many illegal immigrants believe Biden promises them food, lodging, and health care.She said that a lot had been promised. They would be more compassionate if the administration was open to them. It wouldn't be like you made it but now you are on your own.Jay Whetten from Arizona claims that busloads of illegal immigrants were dumped in front local Safeway and Walmart stores and in the communities where Jay and his family reside. Whetten expressed concern by saying:These people don't have any relatives in America, and they have no money. What are they going to do with their belongings? To be able to eat, they have to steal.Many border residents, like Whetten and Hubbell, feel compassion for illegal immigrants who are left behind. Whetten said to me that a lot of illegal immigrants are receiving assistance from religious groups and church groups. I also know several charities that help them to relocate.Their situation is made worse by the fact that illegal immigrants have to obtain authorization from Mexican cartels in order to cross the border. They also need to pay high fees to be trafficked. Those who are unable to pay the full amount remain indebted cartels, which are criminal, brutal and dangerous organizations.Hubbell says that illegal immigrants arriving in the U.S. are often seen wearing colored bracelets, which indicate that they are still in debt with a Mexican cartel. The debt is often imposed on families who are left behind in Mexico and other Central American countries.She said that she doesn't know how they will get out of this situation. Is it possible that they are attempting to escape the terrible circumstances in which they found themselves or just trying to trade it for worse? Is it better to be indebted for 20 years to the cartel than not?Hubbells voice arose when Hubbell was asked about the notion that Americans who want border security don't care. The administration would love to see that agenda apply. But it doesn't. If they can get the bleeding heart to believe they are racists, they have created fear.She said, "Just because I believe we need border security does not mean that I am against people coming into America." I'm for them going the right way.Hubbell claims that the leftist media and current administration portray a positive picture of illegal immigrants seeking better lives, but in reality, there is much crime and the exploitation vulnerable people.Hubbell stated that even though the Biden administration is failing us, they are also failing [illegal immigrants]. They are sleeping in parks in Gila Bend. Where are their fruit baskets and their apartment keys that Biden promised them? He says that he will take care, but there are many more to take care.She shakes her head, and then adds, It's a shame Washington refuses to admit that there is a problem.The Daily Signal offers a wide range of perspectives. This article is not meant to represent the views of The Heritage Foundation.Do you have a comment about this article? Send us an email at [email protected] with your comments. We may publish them in our We Hear You section. Include the URL of the article or the headline, along with your name and the town/state.