An accuser in Bill Cosby’s criminal trial claims that his overturned conviction may discourage victims of sexual assault from seeking justice in court.Andrea Constand, who said in court that Cosby gave her 3 Blue Pills and then sexually assaulted and abused her, told TMZ... The Pennsylvania Supreme Court's decision to overturn the comedian's conviction is "disappointing"; she worries about the long-term effects.Constand said that the court's decision was concerning because it "may discourage those seeking justice for sexual assault in criminal justice systems from reporting or participating to the prosecution of the attacker or may force victims to choose between filing a civil or criminal action."Constand and her team claim that they never knew of any agreement between Cosby's former prosecutor and him that would give him immunity.Play video content APWe reported that Cosby was already home, having been released from prison after serving more than 2 years of his 10-year sentence.TMZ broke the story. Angela Leslie, Sarita Butterfield, and Sammie Mays were also against Cosby's release. They said they still believe he is dangerous.