According to James Wallace, Bill Gates invited members of an all-nude club in Seattle to swim in his pool.After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates announced in May that they were divorcing.There were reports that Gates was having an affair, and soon afterward there were accusations of him hitting on Microsoft employees.Our complete investigation on Gates can be found here.Insiders claimed that Bill Gates was prone to partying during Microsoft's early days, in the late 80's or early 90's.James Wallace, who has written two biographies about Gates, stated that he invited dancers and friends from all-nude clubs to his Laurelhurst bachelor apartment overlooking Lake Washington on more than one occasion.Wallace stated that Gates himself picked up the girls and took them over to Wallace. "I don’t know if he transported them physically or if they were told where to go."Gates attended regular after-parties at major computer trade conferences such as Comdex or Demo, where Gates was frequently the keynote speaker. Robert X. Cringely said that Bill drank and got drunk quite easily. He also wrote a popular InfoWorld computer gossip column."All of us will have been to an affair where Bill was clearly impaired. Cringely stated that he was "happy" when he was drunk.Gates preferred to keep his romantic options open when he was with Melinda. He struggled to commit to her. Melinda stated that Bill wanted to marry, but didn't know if he could commit to it and have Microsoft. Melinda spoke about their relationship in an interview for Netflix's documentary "Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates."A spokesperson for Gates stated that it was extremely disappointing that so many lies have been published about the causes, the circumstances, and the timeline of Bill Gates’s divorce. It's becoming more absurd to hear rumors about Mr. Gates. It's sad that people with little or no knowledge are being called'sources'.