NEW YORK (AP). A California woman wrongly accused a Black teenager of taking her phone at a New York City Hotel late last year, and then grabbed at him while he attempted to leave is now facing hate crime charges.Miya Ponsetto appeared in Manhattan court via videoconference Wednesday. She pleaded not guilty for unlawful imprisonment as hate crime, aggravated harassment, and endangering the wellbeing of a child.Ponsetto was in the Arlo hotel in December when she had a fight with Keyon Harrold Jr. (14 years old) who she claimed stole her phone. As he attempted to escape, video shows Ponsetto grabbing at Harrold Jr. Soon after, her phone was discovered in an Uber.In January, Ponsetto, a Piru resident, was arrested on additional charges related to the confrontation. Although Ponsetto, 22, initially appeared to be sorry but then he backed down in a heated interview on CBS' morning news program.Her next court date will be Oct. 20.Paul DEmilia, Paul's attorney, stated that the charges are brazen and clearly overreach of the statute's intent. They are, in short, absurd and pervert our legal system.The family of the teenager has filed a lawsuit against Ponsetto as well as the hotel, alleging that the hotel engaged in racial profiling.