After legalization of cannabis in Canada, there have been significant increases in the number of children admitted to intensive care for accidental cannabis poisonings.The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), located in Toronto, discovered a fourfold increase in accidental poisonings among children under 12 years old and a threefold increase in admissions for severe cannabis poisoning to intensive care units in the first two year after cannabis legalization.When comparing pre- and after-legalization periods, however, the number of cannabis-related visits to the SickKids Emergency Departments (EDs) per month remained constant. These findings were published in Clinical Toxicology, a peer-reviewed journal.Dr Yaron Finkelstein is the Staff Physician, Paediatric Emergency Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology of SickKids. The study compared cannabis-related ED and hospitalizations at SickKids in the pre- and post-legalization period to examine the unintentional effects of the legislation.Although it is rare for adults to become addicted to cannabis, intoxication can cause serious problems in young children. These include behavioural changes, seizures and respiratory depression. They may also have difficulty with coordination and balance. Different forms of cannabis are legalizing so it is crucial for anyone who has cannabis in their home to be aware of potential harms and to ensure that cannabis products are stored safely," says Finkelstein, Senior Scientist at SickKids.The study compared admissions to SickKids for cannabis intoxication over a 12-year span, January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2019. It found that there was a greater proportion of ICU admissions after legalization (13.6%) versus 4.7% (respectively).According to the study, severe intoxication from cannabis was primarily caused by young children being exposed to cannabis edibles. These edibles have become more accessible and more popular. Ingestion is the most common route for paediatric exposures. Edible cannabis products can be both very concentrated and attractive to children. It can be difficult for health-care professionals to predict the severity and duration of effects from cannabis exposure due to inconsistencies or difficulties in determining the precise formulation and potency.Researchers and trainees from across SickKids hope that the study will raise awareness about the dangers of accidental cannabis poisonings. It will also encourage people to be more cautious when storing cannabis products in their homes, especially edibles that children can mistakenly consider candy and regular food.The COVID-19 pandemic presented more opportunities for families and more people to be at home. It is therefore more important to make sure that cannabis products are out of reach of children. To prevent accidental poisonings and protect children, there are simple steps everyone can take, such as keeping cannabis products locked away from food and drink. Finkelstein is also an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto's Departments of Paediatrics and Pharmacology and Toxicology.###SickKids Foundation provided research funding. Its donor was the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.