He said that I have a habit of carrying my toolkit with me and not unpacking it when I travel from one mission to the next.Gaspard's current task is to assume the reins of an entity which has gained new power within a dysfunctional political system. More than 60 people have been trained by CAP to work in the Biden administration, some of them in crucial roles. It helped to shape many of the executive actions and legislative initiatives that President Biden pursued on subjects ranging from immigration, inclusion in government agencies, and other topics.It hasn't been universally praised Bidens actions. There have been concerns about the bipartisan nature of the president's infrastructure deal, particularly the lack of investments in climate or care initiatives. Like other liberal institutions, CAP has to adjust to a political environment in which its domestic priorities are being slowed by institutional hurdles, primarily the Senate filibuster.John Podesta (Caps founder and member of its board), has made a vague call for the Senate to change its rules, but the think tank has not officially endorsed the end of the filibuster. Gaspard didn't, either. Instead, he expressed Biden-eques optimism about overcoming congressional gridlock.He explained that this is not my first time riding in the back of a turnip truck. Many of us can recall Newt Gingrich's moment in America. It wasn't easy to agree on legislation back then. Think tanks such as CAP continue to bring points to the table on these issues.Gaspard admitted that the current climate was more tribal than previous years and was rife in disinformation. This climate will not only feed conspiracy theories about the Democratic megadonor, but it will also be fodder to conservatives. However, he and the other Democrats were also more observant. They are also aware of the fact that their window for power may be closing with 2022's midterm elections.Gaspard spoke of how we took our foot off of the organizing accelerator during the Obama White House's first two years. This led to the huge election loss for Democrats in 2010. In many ways, I find the Biden administration to be the most remarkable presidency of my life. It is surprising because there are so many difficult challenges being met in an energizing way, which can only be described in broad terms as progressive, future forward, and welcoming the participation of all the parties.Founded in 2003 by Podesta and other leaders, CAP is a bulwark to Bush-ism and a platform for progressive ideas and government. The organization is not officially partisan. It is formally nonpartisan. But, it quickly became a major player in the Democratic Party landscape. Until then, it relied more on single-issue advocacy groups and think tanks than an all-encompassing clearinghouse.It achieved real victories along the way: it helped shift the tide against the Iraq War, helped lay the foundations of health care reform in advance of Obamacares passage, innovated in the worlds of advocacy media, and fed personnel to D.C. institutions.CAP, together with its advocacy and policy arm, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, has 287 employees and an operating budget for 2021 of $64 millions. Podesta stated that although it is true that it is easier to raise funds when a Republican president holds power, Gaspard will be joining CAP when the organization has a very strong balance sheet and finances. This is a time when donors know that CAP is a place where you can get great results if you invest.The think tank's size and scope have also created problems. CAP has received large donations from companies like Walmart and Google as well as foreign governments such the United Arab Emirates. This has led to accusations of unduel influence on its work product regarding issues such as antitrust and U.S.Saudi policy.As I arrive, I will take inventory of everything. But let's look at the record. Gaspard stated that we have been a prominent advocate for higher corporate tax rates and a stronger anti-trust agenda in tech. According to him, corporate donations to CAP make up less than 3 per cent of the organization's budget. It is difficult to imagine how this could cause inflexibility.CAP has been accused of outwardly working against Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and his wing in the Democratic Party. During the 2020 primary, Tanden, a Vermont senator, wrote a passionate letter to the CAP board. He accused Tanden of disparaging my staff and supporters, and ridiculing progressive ideas. After ThinkProgress's defunct website was closed, a video suggested that he had relaxed his demand for millionaires pay more taxes, after becoming one.Gaspard described frictions as a healthy, natural and normal outcome to any campaign or contest of ideas.Let's start with the shocking idea that the progressive world does not exist in a monolithic fashion and that no single organization can speak for all of the community. CAP has been a credible convener for all parties because Capitol Hill leadership recognizes that CAP leadership has kept its finger on [the pulse] of the movement and has built credibility with activists as well as scholars.Tanden was at the core of much of the Bernie CAP animus. Tanden was prone, while running CAP was prone to engage with his supporters as well as her critics. Tanden also sent out a series of venomous tweets targeting members of Congress. She had fierce defenders at CAP who credited her for putting together much the organizational and intellectual framework that helped push back against Trump's administration and preserve Obamacare. She was a regular presence on cable news and was highly praised for her policy skills. Additionally, she formed a close relationship with Ron Klain, the chief of staff to Biden.However, her personal style of politics eventually came back to bite. Sen. Rob Portman (R.Ohio), cited tweets where Tanden said Susan Collins was the worst, Tom Cotton is a fraud and that vampires are more heartfelt than Ted Cruz. He called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Moscow Mitch, and Voldemort.In the end, she withdrew her nomination. This was one of the first political losses for the Biden White House.Podesta acknowledged that her withdrawal forced the think tank's pause in the search for her replacement. There was a possibility that she would return home to CAP. The search for Tanden was resumed after Biden made it clear that he would be bringing Tanden in as a senior advisor. Podesta stated that they had many qualified candidates, but none that met the organizational requirements and demands as Gaspard.His global philanthropy experience also fits in with the areas where we see the United States facing growing challenges around the world, especially the rise of right-wing authoritarianism.Podesta stated that he will remain on the CAP board in order to assist the think tank's transition to a new leader. His time may be short-term.He said that I am an old man and will eventually fade into the sunset. It could be a year.