Do you remember Excalibur? Excalibur was a British TV series that ran two seasons between 1970 and 1977. It combined Arthurian legend, Aleister Crowley mysticism and interplanetary exploration. The show also featured an undead character (sorry spoilers!) A villain called Poseidon and a troubled production history. It's possible, but it would be a bit strange, since it has never been created. However, if enough people recall it, it could be possible to change.Excalibur is actually an interactive fiction project by J. J. Guest: G. C. Baccaris and Duncan Bowsman. This fan wiki is a detailed one for the BBC's eponymous series. Clicking through it will reveal layers of show plot summaries, behind the scenes cast drama, and a conflict between the wikis contributors. If you get stuck, you can find a walkthrough on the Help page.Excalibur, a BBC project that was lost, is a trippier reflection of low-budget series such as Blakes 7. It was a short-lived program that profoundly influenced fandom today. Its meta-drama touches upon real conflicts such as the ethical debate over real person fanfic.The Twine-built interactive story Excalibur uses a wiki format that you'll find in other hypertext fiction such as the forthcoming murder mystery Neurocracy. It explores the contrast between the perfunctory nature of older media and the obsessiveness that online fan culture gives us.Plus, Excalibur is a show I would definitely watch! Yes, there are a few episodes that end with the realization that reality is a lie. The Sun Stealers (a spin on a Star Trek episode) and A Painted Ocean sound great.