Press Release30 June 2021Columbus, Ohio – Red Roof, the leading provider of economy lodging, announced that it will launch a month-long fundraising campaign in order to increase its support for Leuva Patidar Samaj (USA) and its Leuva Patidar Samaj(USA COVID Relief India Program 2021). The organization provides support to hospitals in Gujarat, India, which were impacted by the devastating effects of the COVID pandemic.AdvertisementsRed Roof will seed the campaign with a $10,000 donation. Red Roof will encourage vendors and franchise partners to support LPS by making donations. Final check presentations to the leaders of the organization will mark the culmination at the AAHOACON conference in Dallas (August 3-6, 2021).Red Roof's interim president George Limbert said that we are thrilled to launch the Sprint to AAHOACON fundraising campaign to support LPS in Gujarat. Red Roof has been supporting LPS for many decades and this is an excellent opportunity for us to support the organization in future fundraising efforts. We invite those with whom we share a relationship and the entire industry to join us in our efforts to support families working to rebuild their lives.Red Roof franchisees, and all others who wish support LPS's work under the 30-Day Sprint campaign, can make a donation to LPS directly by visiting https://lpsofusa.com/Donation.aspx.Nayana (Nancy) Patel, President of the LPS of USA Board, and a leader within the Red Roof Franchise community said, "We are deeply appreciative of Red Roof's leadership to shine a light on the immense needs in Gujarat province during the month-long fundraising campaign. The population is moving from the initial wave of COVID to the next phase. There are greater needs than ever before. This includes the provision of oxygen plants, and the provision of medical equipment and supplies for those who have been admitted to supported hospitals.About Leuva Patidar Smaj (LPS of USA).LPS of USA, a non-profit religious, cultural and non-political organisation, was established in order to facilitate and encourage religious observance and sharing of ideas. It also provides cultural programs and helps with community development. The organization's mission is to promote and celebrate religion, culture and education among Surti Leuva Patidars as well as their future generations.