LOS ANGELES (AP), Detectives have arrested a mother to investigate murder in the deaths her three young children, including a newborn child, in East Los Angeles. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department announced Tuesday.The children were identified by the coroner's office as Mia Camila Rodriguez (4 years old), and Mason Mateo Rodriguez (3 years) and Milan Mateas Rodriguez (1 month). The autopsies of the children are still pending.Sandra Chico, 28, was being held on $2million bail. She is due to appear in Los Angeles on Wednesday, according to a Sheriffs Department statement.According to the statement, the arrest was made based on detectives preliminary investigation. Additional information was not available.Chico may have had a lawyer to represent her. As of Tuesday morning, the case hadn't been submitted to the office of the district attorney.According to Lt. Chuck Calderaro, the children were discovered in their bedroom at home Monday around 12:45 pm. They weren't breathing and there were no attempts to revive them.To remember the children, neighbors placed flowers at the front of the house. Chico was being held by Arturo Cerezo. An uncle arrived.He told KNBC that she would do anything to help those children. This is what's so difficult to grasp. What is the story?Authorities claim there were no physical signs or obvious causes of death.We don't know the cause or the motive. All I know is that she was wrong, Rosalba Flores, Rosalba Castillo, the grandchildren's grandmother, said to KTLA in Spanish.Sheriff Alex Villanueva stated that there was no forewarning. There were no repeated calls for service... and there are no child abuse allegations. These were not out-of-the blue tragedies.Victor Ohm, a neighbor, told FOX 11 that he used to see the children playing in the yard when he went shopping.Ohm said it was heartbreaking to the television station. They were very happy children.