After MIT temporarily removed the requirement that applicants submit scores from tests, admissions applications for this pandemic year jumped 66%. For the 1,340 students who received good news from MIT on Pi Day (CPW), it was not possible to come to Cambridge for the Campus Preview Weekend (CPW). Instead, the Admissions Office invited them all to CP*, a month-long series of virtual events. They also received a box full of MIT love from the Admissions Office. The box contained gear bearing the CP* asterisk, which is a playful nod towards typing in your password, stickers designed by students, a poster featuring MIT dorm scenes by Emily Han 22, and an Edgerton Center Aurora Beaveralis rainbow kit to celebrate MITs maker cultures. It also included supplies for Stitching With Snively CP* sessions, hosted by Michael Snively 11, who shared stories and answered questions while cross-stitching.