Grant Gustin, Brandon McKnight. Photo courtesy of Bettina Strauss (The CW).The Flashs Big Bads were speedsters for the first few seasons. After a brief break, the show returns to the original pattern. But now it is back in full swing...and that's just the beginning. Enemy At The Gates opens with two Godspeed clones in Central City. This shouldn't be surprising for a team who has faced multiple versions of Godspeed in the past. Twelve Godspeed clones are left by the end of each episode, which seems like an impossible task if they don't all like one another.AdvertisementReview The Flash: The Flash "Enemy At The Gates” B B Episode 15Before we get there, there is the ongoing drama between Barry and Iris trying to reproduce. Drama is probably the wrong term, but the show continues to entertain us with its comedy, although not always very well. It has become oppressive to listen to the whimsical music every time the topic is brought up. The show's creators are trying to convince us that there are some funny moments, such as Barry trying to keep the truth from Iris and Cecile arriving at Barry's door with urine and blood samples to test.Barry dreams about Noranot, his mother or Speed Force. However, Barry wakes up convinced Iris is pregnant. This is made more awkward by the fact Candice Patton does not appear in the episode for the second consecutive week. Barry calls her frequently on the phone and off-screen. Barry is left puzzled by the results of the test. It's because dreams don't work like that, buddy.Brandon McKnight, Danielle Panabaker Image : Bettina Strauss/The CWUnrewarding subplots aside, Frost rescues Chillblaine from a beating at their favorite bar. Frost rescues him from a beating at their favorite bar and takes him to STAR Labs for treatment. Frost is there when the Godspeeds strike. Chester has created a force field that keeps them outside but the Godspeeds can weaken it and break in. Chester uses Gideons assistance to attack them with an overdose of their own electronic distorted voices. This temporarily disables them until Frost and Chillblaine can beat them up (why don't they freeze-blast them or why the one Barry is fighting loses his speed are the main questions in my head right now), but this advantage is temporary and the Godspeeds soon power up the vibrating hands that are death.Barry leads them on a wild chase through Central City. It turns out to be a bad day for Barry when six other Godspeeds catch up with him and begin draining his power. It is at this moment that six additional Godspeeds appear and begin fighting the other. They cancel one another and then disappear, leaving Barry to wonder about the causes of this civil war between speedsters.AdvertisementCaitlin has been busy with Ultraviolet while all this was going on. She has now given in to her cousins' pleas for Team Flash to trust her. Cecilia's ability to share her peace with Esperanza, who is becoming increasingly anxious, made the surgery to remove the Black Hole microchip in her throat a success. This could mean that two ex-villains are joining forces with the good guys. It doesn't necessarily mean Chillblaine is shadier that an oak tree, and Frosts feelings for Frost are still mysterious, unless Frosts all about the abs.This week's subplot involving Joe Kramer is almost insubliminal with all the subplots. It's almost as if the writers are being caught unaware by the shorter episode order for this season and trying to squeeze in all they planned. Kramer behaves as if Joe's trust in Kramer is not justified, but they both seem caught up in the vehicle explosion at the end of the hour. Although it is difficult to believe this is a cliffhanger; the creative team has made some questionable choices lately, but Joe West's death would be too extreme.AdvertisementStray observationsWait, do I have a Flashmobile? But not yet.Next week: Diggle to rescue!