Photo by Joe Raedle/ Staff ( Getty Images)The heat wave that is currently roiling the Pacific Northwest has reached Alaska. A 2.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded just 25 miles east from Juneau, the result of seismic activity caused by melting glaciers.AdvertisementOn Tuesday, temperatures rose to as high as 92° in Alaskan parts. This was the highest temperature recorded so far during a record-breaking heat wave. According to the Anchorage Daily news, the scorching temperatures are unusual for Alaska which is known for its signature cool drizzle and Juneuary.It is normal for melting glaciers and snow to cause flooding as temperatures rise. However, it is rare that water refreezing or expanding as ice triggers enough stress to produce seismic activity.The cryoseism is a non-tectonic seismic activity Tuesdays that took place in Alaska P anhandle at 5 :29 a.m. June 28. According to the U.S Geological Survey, it was registered as 2.7 magni t ude.Scientists have linked melting glaciers to earthquakes for many years. This is due to the fact that the glaciers' relative weights tend to shift as the glaciers melt, which naturally decreases. The land on which the glaciers are situated rises as they spring up, creating faults that could lead to an increase of the intensity and frequency of earthquakes.The ice earthquake in Alaska was recorded at four miles below the surface. It was separate from an undersea earthquake of a 4.0 magnitude temblor, which occurred off the coast Oregon at 10:03 AM on June 29, at eight miles below the surface.AdvertisementAlthough an ice quake in the middle the ocean may not seem like a big deal, there have been other side effects of heat that have had a devastating effect on the landscape of the Pacific Northwest.Gizmodo previously reported that power cables are melting and districts have had to close schools. The asphalt can also burn people if they touch it. Ground temperatures reached 145 degrees Fahrenheit in some parts of Washington on Tuesday. This is dangerous for public health and critical infrastructure. Roads are buckling from the intense heat. People are rushing to cool their homes with air conditioners because of the extreme heat.AdvertisementClimate change is here to stay. This means that areas will continue to be affected by these stresses. The infrastructure development must adapt to the changing weather patterns. Or, maybe the ice quakes could swallow us all. Whatever comes first.