Minister for tourism and cultural economics in Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno, stated that all domestic tourists to Bali will have to undergo a PCR test to enter the country. This is a precautionary measure to protect the island from pandemic. According to the minister of tourism, Indonesia's government will wait for Covid-19 cases to drop significantly before opening Bali up to foreign tourists.Bali has been a popular destination for tourists for many decades, thanks to its beautiful beaches, lively nightlife, and unique Hindu culture. But the coronavirus epidemic has decimated its economy. We had intended to target the end of July or early August. However, we have to be aware of where we stand in relation to this recent spike in coronavirus cases. Uno stated that we will wait for conditions to improve.According to official data, Coronavirus infections have increased in Indonesia over the last few weeks. This includes Bali where there has been an almost fourfold increase in the last month.Uno stated that he would like Bali's daily coronavirus infection rates to drop to between 30 and 40 per day before the reopening. Uno stated that 71% of Balinese have received their first dose of vaccines and that the goal of 70% complete vaccination could be reached by July's end.