00:00I want to get your feedback on how the businesses are doing as we enter the second quarter. As a group, you have set a goal to achieve sales or deliveries of approximately two point two million by the end the year. Are you on target? We will, I think. Citigroup's growth has been impressive in the first five months. We must also acknowledge that we face many challenges in the supply chain, including those related to automobiles and the automotiveindustry. In the end, I believe we can deliver the sales volume that we have targeted. Many economists are concerned that China's consumer has not returned to pre-pandemic levels. How do you see that playing out in terms demand? What do you think China's consumers are? Positively confident in the Chinese economy's human potential. It doesn't matter how much the GDP increases or decreases. In the first five months, consumers are more likely to consume the volume than they were in the previous year. They will perform even better. These sales volumes will be achieved in the first five month. It's 10 percent more than in the same period in 2019. The semiconductor shortage is affecting a large percentage of the deliveries. We are affected a bit. We are impacted by about 10 to 15% for patients in the video. We believe that we will stay on track for the entire year. We were aware that you had pulled the listing of the stop board in Shanghai. Will you revive the IPO? Is there a timeline? We are still conducting chief studies. We have many options. I am sure that we will choose the best time to renew our approach towards the capital market in the future. Okay. Okay. One of your assets is Volvo. We need to know when the Volvo IPO will take place. But that's not all. We'll cross. It says, "Well well seeks the opportunity." Let's see what you can do. Stockholm NASDAQ Stock Exchange. We see the entire deal we made in the set have 10 requirements. We are confident that the regulators and the market will come with very hot spots and our competitor, the two World WarsIPO. Would you like to see a valuation? Daimler If we reduced both Will Will serious investment and Daimler ISE serious, we could not claim that we target to beat Daimler. We are confident that we will be given good radiation from the market and possibly an IPO in September this year. We will be able to see the communications between World War team and the regulators, as well as possibly Messrs.Okay. Although we don't have any deadlines, we think we can move very quickly. Volvo could make an apples car. It's possible to develop a new car. Redmond ideas, including Apple stock. I don't refer to IPOs, cars etc. It's a new product. To provide the best. That was his experience. No. Okay. Yes. We are happy to have the partnership with you in that sphere of the Internet leaders through strategic partnerships. We are open to partnerships with. This is what I do. These types of partnerships are welcome at our office. There are many more. There were the potential strategic partners. There have been some headwinds for Tesla in the Chinese market. They had to fix almost all their vehicles in China. There was also a protest at the autoshow. Securityfeatures have been raised concerns. Is China turning against Tesla. You Chinese scum. Also, I am a Chinese. The consumer is optimistic. The product must satisfy customers' fundamental requirements, including connectivity David Hayes multipletheses but also safety and quality. Therefore, I don't believe anyone tried to put any obstacles in Tesla's way. It was the market.