Zoom is still the best teleconferencing app, even though more people are returning to work. The experience on most devices is great, but Zoom on Chromebooks has been somewhat frustrating. Zoom has today released a new Progressive Web App, (PWA), version to fix this.You can download the app via Google Play Store or by a dedicated link on the web. The real power lies in the fact that the PWA provides much the same functionality as what you might be used to on your best laptops. This release was designed to make it easier for those who use Chromebooks with the highest Chromebooks to host or take Zoom calls.The PWA version includes a customizable Gallery View and Breakout Rooms. It also allows for live transcriptions. Zoom also confirms that new features will be added over the next three- to six months. This includes screen sharing which is currently not available.To use the new Zoom PWA, you will need to ensure that Chrome OS version 91 is installed. Students who use Zoom for class will find this extremely important, as Chromebooks are gaining popularity at schools.These are the current features available to students using the Zoom PWA.If enabled, view the shared screen of a teacher and share yoursNonverbal feedback such as Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down can be usedAsk a question by raising your handTalk to the teacherParticipate in Breakout Rooms, created by the teacherThe new Zoom is available from the Play Store. You will not be able to use this new Zoom if your Chromebook hasn't been updated to the most recent version.