Twitter has corrected a bug that caused some people to be horrified when they opened the site. Those who viewed the social network from a web browser discovered that they could no longer switch between the algorithmic and reverse-chronological views. Since its inception, the algorithmic view has been widely criticized. However, people were worried that Twitter would force everyone to use it.According to Twitter's support account, web users should have the ability to change their timeline order once more. Several of us here at The Verge confirmed that the button was back on our timelines. Kayvon Beykpour, Twitter's product lead, called the toggles disappearance an error. She reiterated what a spokesperson for the company told The Verge.Twitter in chronological order has been fixed. Some of you who were using the web to view your Home timeline to see the most recent Tweets first option was removed. This has been fixed and should be back in place for all. Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport), June 29, 2021Twitter's explanation page for the timeline contains a bullet explaining that the ability to switch between top tweets (aka tweets that are served up algorithmically) or latest tweets is only available on iOS or Android. Some thought this meant that the option was going away. However, the WayBack Machine revealed that the line has been around for many years. The line could be a remnant from the introduction of the sparkle button. This is because it conflicts information later in the article. Twitter also includes instructions for changing your timeline order on the web at the bottom.Twitter doesn't appear to have a plan to remove the chronological timeline option. Some may find that this news is mixed. Perhaps being forced to use an algorithmic chronological timeline was the best way for them to kick a bad habit.