Here's how to win $10,000 each year in travel for 10 yearsTrafalgar is the most prestigious and acclaimed travel brand on the planet, offering the chance to win the global travel jackpot. One lucky winner will receive $10,000 worth of travel with Trafalgar Tours each year for a period of 10 years.This contest is part of Trafalgars Ultimate Travel Event Series. You must attend one of Trafalgars Virtual Events to be eligible for the contest. These virtual events allow Trafalgars hosts around the globe to take you on a tour through their country. Visit an Italian olive oil estate, learn how to make soda bread from an Irish chef, or attend a lecture about Hawaiian coffee with a local farmer.All citizens of the USA, Canada (except Quebec), Puerto Rico and Australia are eligible to enter the contest. The contest is open to all who are located in the US, Canada (excluding Quebec), Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Contestants can enter until 11:59 ET on September 30, 2018.The winner will be announced on October 14th at 2:20 PM and notified via email or telephone within 3 business days. You can RSVP to Trafalgars' virtual event by visiting the website.