This post could contain affiliate links. Please see our advertiser disclosure to learn more.Chase offers a Pay Yourself Back option for ink cardsChase offers a Pay Yourself back option to cardholders. This allows them to use points for eligible credit card charges. This option was introduced last year during the pandemic, and has proven to be extremely popular. This option is available to both business and consumer credit card holders.Chase has extended the Ink credit card offer and added new categories. The cardholders will be able to use Ultimate Rewards points for specific purchases made on their business cards for three more months. All cardholders will now have the option to pay your own way for Lyfts Funding a Ride.Chase Ink Business Preferred and Chase Ink Business PlusPay yourself back extended until Sept. 30This extension extends the existing offer that cardmembers who choose to earn and use Pay Yourself Back accelerated can redeem points worth 25% on shipping and home improvements purchases.There are also new spending categories, such as Internet, cable, and phone services, which all add 25% to the total.Chase Ink Cash, Chase Ink Business cash and Chase Ink Business UnlimitedPay yourself back extended until Sept. 30Redeem points for Internet, phone and cable services to get 10% more.Lyft Fund Rides: Pay Yourself backMembers of Chase cards can now use Pay Yourself back to apply points and get a statement credit for any ride purchased through Lyfts Fond a Ride (through Sept. 30, 2021).Once they have made a purchase through Lyfts Fund A Ride, Sapphire, Freedom, and Ink cardmembers will be able to log into Ultimate Rewards via the Chase mobile app or desktop. They can then choose from any recent transactions up until 90 days ago and redeem points for all of the purchase.Sapphire Reserve cardmembers will have 50% and 25% higher points than all other Sapphire Freedom or Ink cardmembers through September 30, 2021 when they redeem for Fund a Ride purchases. Sapphire Reserve cardmembers have the option to apply 1,000 points to get back their $15 donation for a ride.